A 101-year-old who had successful eye surgery at Newark Hospital has urged more people to ‘Ask for Newark’ when they are referred for hospital care.
When being referred for an operation to have cataracts removed, Doris Sale, who lives on Bowbridge Road, a short distance from the hospital, asked if she could have it done at Newark Hospital.
Doris previously had the same surgery on her other eye at King’s Mill Hospital four years ago.
Following the successful operation, Doris said: “It made a big difference straight away. My vision was very misty but it’s clear now.
“I can see the garden better and watch TV. This will keep me going for another couple of years, which is all I want.”
Doris, who lives with her son Michael Sale, said she had nothing but praise for the care she received at Newark Hospital.
She said: “More people need to ask ‘can I have my operation or treatment done at Newark Hospital?’
“If anyone has got any complaints about the hospital or the people who work there then they must be very hard to please because I couldn’t be happier.”
Michael said: “I completely agree. I know that sometimes patients can be referred straight to King’s Mill but more people need to ask if they can have their treatment or procedure done at Newark Hospital.”
The operation means that Doris can continue to help at mealtimes by safely chopping vegetables and doing the washing up, while Michael takes care of the cooking.
When asked if she had a secret to living a long life, she said: “No, I think it’s hereditary on my mother’s side. My grandparents lived to be in their late 80s/early 90s, which was rare in those days.”
Louise Boreham, Pre-Operative Assessment Deputy Sister at Newark Hospital, said: “By giving someone their sight back you are improving their quality of life in so many ways. It means they can continue enjoying activities such as reading, watching television or looking at photographs. It can also reduce the risks of falls in someone who is still mobile.
Louise worked together with Sarah Katie Taylor, Pre-Operative Assessment and Minster Sister at Newark Hospital, to take a patient-centred approach to Doris’ care.
Louise said: “Given her advancing years we didn’t want Doris to have to visit the hospital more times than was absolutely necessary. We did our best to do everything needed in as few appointments as possible – it was about taking a common-sense approach and doing what was right for the patient.
“Working in pre-op we don’t usually get to see the outcome of a patient’s operation. It was lovely to see Doris again and hear that it’s been a success.”
David Ainsworth, the Director of Strategy and Partnerships for Sherwood Forest Hospitals who oversees the Trust’s running of Newark Hospital, said: “With building work well underway on our new state-of-the-art operating theatre, Newark Hospital will soon have capacity to carry out more operations and procedures than ever before. We want to make full use of the fantastic facilities we have and are encouraging patients to ‘Ask for Newark’ and check if they can have their treatment there.”
Weekend appointments a success for patients
Patients are benefiting from more convenient appointments ahead of their planned operation.
Newark Hospital is offering appointments for pre-op assessments between 8 am and 4 pm on alternate Saturdays, as well as from 8 am to 6 pm on Mondays to Fridays. The addition of Saturday appointments is helping to reduce the elective backlog.
Sarah Katie Taylor, Pre-Operative Assessment and Minster Ward Sister at Newark Hospital, said:
“Patients have been telling us how Saturday appointments are a lot more convenient with work and family commitments.
“We notice they are usually more relaxed at their appointment because they are not in as much of a rush. One of the main bonuses is that there is less traffic and less demand for parking on a Saturday.”
Although patients who live locally to Newark Hospital and are having surgery there are routinely offered Saturday pre-op appointments when booking, anyone who is having surgery at King’s Mill can also choose to have their pre-op checks done at Newark Hospital.