2.3 C
West Bridgford
Sunday, February 16, 2025

20 local projects awarded share of £3 million from Shared Prosperity Fund

Dozens of community projects across the district have successfully been granted funding from Mansfield District Council’s allocation of UK Shared Prosperity Funding (UKSPF).

A total of 34 applications were received against a total of £2.955m of funding available, with 20 community projects successfully being shortlisted.

There were two routes for which businesses, community groups and people could apply for the UKSPF grant. The 20 projects have been successful through the Mansfield Community Grant Fund strand of the scheme, which was facilitated through Mansfield CVS for projects up to £15,000.

The second route to funding was through the Mansfield UKSPF Communities and Place for projects over £15,000, and successful bids to this strand will be announced in due course.

Executive Mayor of Mansfield, Andy Abrahams, said: “We are delighted to be able to award grants from the council’s allocation of Shared Prosperity Funding to these exciting Mansfield-based projects.

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“Many of the successful projects come from our community champions who have been doing great work for years and really know what is needed to help their communities.”

“Well done to all our successful applicants, however, we still have more great news to come with the shortlisting of our Communities and Place projects. I look forward to sharing a further announcement for these soon.”

The successful projects have been selected based on their aspirations to deliver on several key interventions that have been categorised into three themes which are:

  1. Communities and Place
  2. Supporting Local Business
  3. People and Skills

These themes align with the key objectives outlined in the council’s District Investment Plan that will help secure the well-being of residents now and in the future.

Vanessa Whitton, Mansfield CVS CEO, said: “We are thrilled that so many local organisations have benefitted from the Shared Prosperity Funding.

“As Mansfield’s leading infrastructure organisation, supporting the local voluntary and community sector to obtain funding such as this, is one of our core objectives.”

The successful shortlist includes:

  1. St John’s Ambulance – £2,000 – To continue the current volunteer training programme
  2. Maun Refuge – £15,000 – Extending and embedding the current project “settling into Mansfield”
  3. Maun Refuge – £15,000 – To train staff & continue their work
  4. Kingsway Hall – £6,795 – To continue the growth of the weekly lunch club
  5. Kingsway Hall – £14,000 – Room hire for benefits advice
  6. The Peaceful Trust – £2,500 – Expand current provision at memory café
  7. Friends of Bellamy – £3,000 – Events, get togethers, trips
  8. Friends of Manor Park – £15,000 – Installation of outdoor gym equipment
  9. Salvation Army – £2,600 – Extend the food bank
  10. Mansfield Mechanics Institute – Replace and buy new equipment
  11. St Johns Centre – £15,000 – open a community café
  12. Kool Kids – £15,000 – Replace and buy new equipment
  13. Cruse Bereavement Support – £14,256 – Recruit and train bereavement volunteers
  14. S.H.E UK – £12,620 – To continue drug, alcohol and telephone services
  15. Family Action – £15,000 – Fund six Food Clubs
  16. Ladybrook Enterprises Ltd – £15,000 – Funding to support individuals to understand financial wellbeing
  17. Homestart Mansfield – £3,500 – Funding to support individuals to understand financial wellbeing
  18. Lets all Eat CIC – £11,000 – Project worker cots/venue hire
  19. Friends of Ladybrook Park – £15,000 – Play Equipment
  20. Spectrum WASP – £15,000 – Cooking classes
  21. Ten Fifty – £12,000 – Create more events

The UKSPF is part of the UK Government’s Levelling Up agenda, providing funding for local investment across the UK until March 2025. It aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK by investing in communities and places, supporting local businesses, people, and skills.

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