Works are for the William Davis Homes New Housing site.
An update from Via stated:
‘Western Power Distribution is booked in on the 15th May to undertake their mains cable diversion, this requires open joint pits within various locations of Via works, so these areas cannot be fully completed until these are done. Their works are planned to be completed on 2nd June , then we shall hopefully be able to complete our other works on site.’
‘We are still waiting for the developer to confirm what works Severn Trent are undertaking with the shallow water main that was found in phase 1, this requires a diversion which is yet TBC.
‘Unfortunately, this may also impact completion by 11th June.’
Via East Midlands are to install a new toucan crossing and new entrance into the new housing development, consisting of kerbing works ,carriageway widening ,new footways / cycleways with resurfacing of carriageways and footways with new white lining, anti- skid, installation of new refuge island with crossing points, tree works on site and a street lighting upgrade.
The works started in September 2020 and are planted to continue until Friday 11 June.
Until then, multi-way traffic signals will be in place between 09:30 and 15:30