The vote was unanimously in favour of approval, this does not grant planning permission yet.
At today’s Rushcliffe Borough Council Planning Committee meeting the proposed plans for a 71-home development at the former Abbey Road Depot site was passed as approved.

The site plan is for 71 dwellings – at a density of 40 per hectare – and is a mix of apartments and 1,2,3 and 4-bed homes
The purpose of the meeting was to seek approval of the appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for residential development comprising 71 new homes.
Representing the architects AJA, operating for developers Peverill Homes and Stagfield, Mr Toby Edison explained that the brownfield development would be one of the first to be completely gas-free, power being provided by air source heat pumps. Homes will have underfloor heating, spaces for minimum of 2 and up to 3 cars, 40 trees – and will include wildlife provision like bat boxes and hedgehog gates.
He said he was ‘aware of local concerns’ regarding the plans.
The outline permission was granted in June 2019 having been submitted in February 2018.
Penny Gowland, representing Abbey Ward for Labour, where the developments is located said that she ‘is more than happy to see brownfield site development – and added, ‘representing my residents though, I foresee a major problem with parking at Abbey Rd and Buckfast Way for schools – I request flats are moved further back in the estate to reduce height overlooking local properties.’
She said that the felt that ‘communal parking could become a school parking area’ – ‘and regards the footpath through the site – would like to see frontages designed with openness so children can run through it safely, bicycle provision at front of the houses.’
The committee voted unanimously in favour of the approval of the plans.