Sunday 8 September 2024
20.9 C

Affordable housing layout could create ‘ghetto’ at Nottingham development

Plans for new housing in Stapleford were delayed over concerns around affordable housing being “segregated” from the rest of the estate.

Some Broxtowe Borough Councillors raised concerns over the plans creating an “us and them” mentality – which one councillor said could potentially create a ‘ghetto’.

After completing phase one of the Field Farm development in Ilkeston Road, Stapleford, Westerman Homes sold the land to Peveril Homes, who are applying for permission to build phase two of the site.

A total of 24 affordable homes will still be provided – but under the Peveril Homes plans, the affordable homes will all be built in one corner of the development.

Councillor Richard Macrae (Ind), who is the ward councillor for the area, and fellow councillor Jan Gould (Con) had “serious concerns regarding the social and affordable element of the application” at a planning meeting on 5 January.

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Cllr Macrae said: “Westermann’s had mixed this element of housing around phase two of the site and this had been approved by Broxtowe Borough Council previously.

“However, the new company’s plan is to segregate the social and affordable housing into one specific corner.

“This will create a ‘us and them’ community and one could even go as far as suggesting it creates a ghetto.

“If you examine phase one of the development, the social and affordable element was all pushed into one corner of the site and basically fenced off from the rest of the development. This, not surprisingly, is already causing issues in the area.

“I hope we can object or abstain and demand that social and affordable housing is put back to how it was originally intended. After all, aren’t we supposed to love thy neighbour instead of alienating people by sticking them in a corner.”

He also raised concerns over the planned play area, the proposed shops and the start time of workers on the site.

The ‘local centre’ would be made up of retail, financial and professional services, restaurants and cafes, drinking establishments and takeaways.

But Cllr Macrae said: “We do not need more businesses, we need to support what we already have in the area.”

Councillor Tim Hallam (Lib Dem) added: “The clumping of the social housing is a concern. This is a backwards step.

“I’d prefer to see this deferred for the developer to go away and make it better.”

Councillor Richard Jackson (Con) added: “I don’t think any of us want to see segregation in that way for a whole load of reasons.

“I think this ought to go back with a request that it be improved.”

Councillor Philip Owen (Con) raised concerns over the design of the homes.

The development has faced controversy in the past after plans for phase one were turned down by Broxtowe Borough Council on the grounds of design.

Developers then appealed to the Secretary of State, who overturned that decision in 2017 – and development is now under way.

Cllr Owen said: “One thing that has concerned me looking at the drawings is just how bland, boring and unimaginative the designs of the housing are.

“I know they will be their standard models but right at the very beginning when it was designed the land at Field Farm should be developed, we wanted and tried hard to get it to be a showcase development.

“I would’ve hoped we got something better than what is proposed now. We want to see something that’s a little more inspiring.”

Councillors voted unanimously to defer the plans, which will be brought back to the committee at a later date.

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