Rushcliffe Borough Council’s planning committee voted the proposals through at a meeting at 2 pm 8 December at Rushcliffe Arena.
The plans are to demolish the former Wishing Well Day Nursery premises in 2 Oakfield Road in Lady Bay and to build 9 two-storey modern apartments on the land.
The planning committee members voted:
9 – in support
1 – against
Therefore the plans have been approved.
The application sought full planning permission for the demolition of existing building; the erection of 9 No. 2 storey apartments; with associated works in including landscaping and access works including to an underground garage parking area.
Documents considered state that that for planning purposes officers have considered the proposal as dwellings and not apartments as they are two-storey units of accommodation, with their own separate front doors, and no shared facilities/common areas (with the exception of the parking garage and some small communal garden areas).