Ahead of the very hot weather forecast again this weekend, I want to ask you to protect yourself and others from too much sun or heat, to carry water when travelling and to protect those, such as young children or older people, who feel the heat more than others.
The Leader of Nottingham City Council, Cllr David Mellen said:
‘It’s also really important to stay out of rivers and lakes due to the risk of drowning – especially at Colwick Country Park where we currently have blue-algae which can cause serious illness in humans and even kill dogs.
‘We urge people not to swim or paddle in the lakes or let dogs go in the water or drink from it. We have also had to stop all fishing until further notice.
‘We are working with the Environment Agency to install pumps into the lakes to help remove the algae, but this could take some time. Extra Community Protection patrols are taking place to ensure everyone’s safety. There is more information here
‘I would also ask you to remember our parks and green spaces are extremely dry at the moment – one dropped cigarette or littered glass bottle could cause a wildfire and put extra unnecessary pressure on our emergency services. We have temporarily banned open fires and barbecues on all our parks and allotments to reduce the risk of fire spreading.
‘Take care during the heatwave by staying indoors if you can, and ensuring that you are wearing sun cream, drinking plenty of water and wearing a hat if you have to be outside. Please try to check on elderly neighbours and family members to ensure they are coping with the heat.
‘Please also remember not to walk pets outside during the high temperatures – so either walk them before 8am or after sunset.’