There are concerns over traffic after a 97-home development was proposed for West Bridgford.
A developer has applied to build the homes off Wilford Lane in West Bridgford, opposite the Roko Health Club sports and leisure centre.
If approved by Rushcliffe Borough Council, the site, which is currently empty grassland, would include homes and two four-storey apartment blocks.
The plans state that the apartment blocks will face Wilford Lane and act as the ‘gate house’ of the proposed scheme, creating “a sense of arrival”.
Nottingham City Councillor Andrew Rule said: “This would have a huge impact on Wilford, particularly with residents who live on the Wilford portion of Wilford lane and those in the village.
“Wilford village is a cul-de-sac so there is only one way in and out.
“I would find it amazing if residential traffic from the proposed development confines itself solely in that area.
“Wilford Lane is a narrow road which is well used at it is. You’ve got the island to the M1 and the cricket and football traffic.
“I am concerned about the impact of congestion and traffic safety.
“We’ve got two primary schools in Wilford and two secondary schools just over the boundary.
“There has to come a point where safety and congestion issues are taken into account.”
He added that the City Council has no jurisdiction over planning applications in Rushcliffe.
The plans state that the access route went under “much consultation” to manage traffic flow into the development.
The documents stated: “Access into the site from Wilford Lane has also been reviewed to enhance visibility for traffic entering and exiting the site; thus
improving safety.
“Analysis of the proposed junction design has confirmed that the tracking is suitable for buses and refuse vehicles, as well as emergency vehicles.”
A hybrid outline planning application for the homes and the £20m retail park next door was submitted and refused in 2019 and approved on appeal.
A spokesperson at Keepmoat Homes said: “The site received outline planning permission in 2020, and we have worked extensively with the local authority and have reduced the number of new homes from 267 to 97, focusing on the delivery of family housing and apartments, of which 29 will be available for affordable housi ng or shared ownership.
“With the reduction of new homes, alongside a new road layout and an accessible junction to the site, we have full confidence that the new development will provide the area with a significant boost with minimum disruption to the local traffic.
“All the new homes will be provided with parking, and to ensure the scheme is sustainable, electric charging points are provided to the homes to ensure that electric vehicles can be charged by the new owners. The development is also situated close to great public transport links, providing easy access to the city centre, alongside existing pedestrian and cycle routes.”
The plans will now be considered by Rushcliffe Borough Council.