Nottinghamshire County Council’s Future Casualty Reduction Target for 2030 will be signed off at a meeting next week.
A publicly available report by the to seek approval for the proposed target to reduce preventable road traffic casualties resulting in Killed or Serious Injuries (KSIs) by 40% by 2030.
The report of the Corporate Director, Place sets out the previous targets and achievements and the recommended new target.
It states that for the last 20 years, Nottinghamshire County Council has recognised the devastating effect serious injury from road traffic collisions has on the lives of individuals and families.
As a result, they say they have had safer roads as one of their top priorities and has engaged with stretching targets for the reduction of road traffic collisions in two decades of action.
The first was set by central Government and the second was devolved to local highway authorities.
The most recent 10 year target set by Nottinghamshire was to reduce KSI casualties by 40% and child KSI casualties by 40% by 2020, measured from an average 2005-2009 baseline.
These targets were surpassed with 45% fewer people killed or seriously injured and 63% fewer children being killed or seriously injured on Nottinghamshire’s roads in the last 10 years.
All accident data is based on reports submitted by the Police on STATS19 forms when they attend a road traffic collision where injuries have occurred.
Police officers record various details relating to the location, road conditions, vehicles and drivers involved and a sketch and description of how the accident occurred. Via’s ( Via East Midlands ) Data & Information Team validate the accuracy of this data and submit it to the Department for Transport (DfT).
The Safe Systems five pillars are outlined as:
• Safe Road Use – Improving the behaviours of road users through training, campaigns and education, e.g. Speed limit compliance, seatbelt use, non-use of mobile phones, not drink/drug driving (known as the ‘Fatal Four’).
• Safe Speeds – Speed enforcement, Community Speedwatch schemes, vehicle activated signs, safety cameras, speed management highway improvement schemes.
• Safe Roads & Roadsides – Casualty reduction schemes, safety auditing, passively safe roadsides, maintenance regimes, safety barriers.
• Safe Vehicles – Child seats/restraints, Partnership fleet ratings, Police construction/use checks, driving for work risk analysis.
• Post Crash Care – Emergency response times, first aid training, victim support.