Gedling Borough Council is launching a new consultation to renew a scheme that gives them powers to make privately rented homes better for people to live in.
The scheme, known as Selective Licensing, will make it mandatory for landlords to have licences for each of their private rented properties.
The scheme was successfully launched in 2018 in Netherfield, and was expanded to Colwick, Carlton Hill, Daybrook and Newstead Village in November 2022.
The Netherfield scheme ended in September 2023 and the council is opening a new consultation period to gather views on re-designating the ward as a selective licensing area again in the future.
The licence requires that licence holders manage their properties effectively and safely. The council will work with landlords and residents to improve the area but where necessary use the licensing conditions and enforcement powers to bring about improvements.
Selective Licensing can be applied in areas where there is deprivation, high levels of antisocial behaviour, high levels of crime, high levels of migration and poor housing conditions. The licensing gives the council’s Environmental Health team powers to do more when landlords are not taking steps to deal with issues relating to property standards and management.
The scheme, which ran from 2018 in Netherfield, was a success with 662 landlords applying for a licence.
Over 81% of properties inspected by the council were found to contain hazards that required work to protect the health and safety of the tenant.
52 properties inspected had imminent hazards around areas such as fire safety and inadequate fire protection or detection, which all required immediate action.
The scheme also improved partnership working with Gedling Borough Council and Nottinghamshire Police to reduce anti-social behaviour and make residents feel safer where they live. Civil penalty notices have been issued concerning twenty-two properties for failing to apply for a licence.
Consultation on the new scheme will take place between December and March 2024 and could be launched in October 2024 subject to the results of the Consultation.
Leader of Gedling Borough Council, Councillor John Clarke MBE said:
“The scheme has been a real success and residents have benefitted from improved conditions and landlords have also played their part and made improvements when asked by the council to do so.
This scheme has reduced hazards in households and we think it’s important that we renew it for another term and continue to support local residents who are entitled to live in homes that are safe and in a good state of repair.
“We have extended the scheme across the borough but to ensure we are doing things correctly, we are reopening this consultation and we welcome the feedback of residents and landlords on the Selective Licencing Scheme.”
Landlords and residents can have their say by visiting