Wednesday 11 September 2024
11.8 C

Councillor raises concerns that Nottingham land sales will mean more student developments

Concerns have been raised that more student accommodation will be built after Nottingham City Council announced its intention to sell off land in Hyson Green to a developer.

The authority is selling land and buildings it no longer needs to try to make at least £100m over the next few years.

The council has previously refused to release a detailed list of potential properties for disposal due to “commercial sensitivity” adding it would “prejudice its ability to achieve best value”.

In a delegated decision on March 10 – which means it took place outside of a council meeting – the Labour-run authority has decided to sell units one and two in Ortzen Court, Ortzen Street in Hyson Green.

The council says it has been “approached by the adjoining landowner to acquire this property in order to assemble a larger site for redevelopment”.

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The option to not sell the land was rejected as “an offer and suitable terms have been agreed with the proposed purchaser” and there is “no commercial reason to retain a low-income investment of this nature”.

Consultations have taken place with ward councillors in the area.

Cllr Merlita Bryan (Lab), ward councillor for Hyson Green and the Arboretum, said: “While I have no objection to the land being sold, I do have concerns about what development will be undertaken.

“As you’re aware we are suffering with an overwhelming amount of purpose-built student accommodation in the ward and would be very reluctant to see such development again.

“It would be good to see more family dwelling being built in order to rebuild a more sustainable and economic community.

“So could this be part of the negotiations and condition of sale, in respect of the strong feelings that the residents of this ward has voiced against in previous development application.”

The exact cost of the sale is exempt but the money would go towards the council’s capital programme.

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