With icy blasts predicted to hit parts of the UK over coming days Nottinghamshire blue light services are urging drivers to take extra care and ensure their vehicles are in a roadworthy condition.
Detective Inspector Kate Savage, of Nottinghamshire Police’s Serious Collision Investigation Unit, said: “With the increased risk of treacherous icy conditions on the roads it’s vital drivers take the time to check their vehicles before heading out on the roads.
“Every winter, we see so many collisions where cars have skidded or not been able to stop in time as a result of defective tyres. These could have been avoided if tyres were checked beforehand.

“Key features to look at to ensure your vehicle is roadworthy include your tyres. Please check their condition, air pressure and tread depth regularly. Also take that extra few minutes to ensure windscreens are clear before starting your journey.
“Just because it has a current MOT certificate, this does not guarantee your vehicle is in a roadworthy condition. You may face prosecution if you are stopped and the vehicle is found to be defective.
“Please drive safely this winter and remember to adjust your driving to the conditions.”
The force is currently conducting it’s Christmas drink and drug driving campaign, there will be extra resources on the roads to carry out enforcement measures and stop checks.
Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue’s Station Manager for Prevention Daniel Palmer said: “We have been fortunate to have had relatively mild weather conditions so far this year, but with this about to change with very low temperatures this week we echo the police’s warning for people to be extra cautious about their vehicle and driving.
“We are approaching a busy time of the year for all, but please do allow yourself extra time to check your vehicle is well-maintained and for any journeys you are making.
“The dangers on our roads never change from what we call the fatal four. These are your speed, use of a mobile or becoming distracted, not wearing a seatbelt, or driving under the influence. Even just one of these significantly increases your chances of being involved in a collision.
“There have already been some very serious collisions on our roads this year. Please do your upmost to help us avoid others.”
RAC spokesman Rod Dennis said:
“With temperatures plummeting this week, many drivers might be taken aback by the cold after an exceptionally mild autumn.
“Our advice is to be winter ready – check tyres are properly inflated and with good tread, while topping up oil, coolant and screen wash levels if needed.
“Drivers with older batteries in their cars might also wish to give their vehicle a 20-minute drive before colder conditions arrive to ensure the battery can cope with sub-zero temperatures. It’s also worth having a fully-charged mobile phone and carrying a blanket in case of a breakdown to keep warm.”
• Weather warning for ice in the eastern part of Nottinghamshire
• Hour by hour weather for Nottinghamshire as Arctic blast hits the region