Supporters of Extinction Rebellion Nottingham will be in West Bridgford on Friday morning and the City Centre in the afternoon for the Nottingham leg of a UK wide tour.
A multicoloured campaign bus is bringing an interactive climate survey, leaflets and conversation starters on Friday 23 September.
Climate activists will be asking Nottinghamshire residents what their views are about the Climate and Ecological Crisis, and discussing how it ties into the cost of living crisis we are all facing.
Climate scientists say that decisions made by governments since global warming was recognised have not done enough to halt climate change.
Extinction Rebellion’s “Truss bus” was an imitation of a political campaign bus to publicise Extinction Rebellion’s “Third Demand”: that ordinary people, not politicians, should decide what to do about the climate crisis. Citizen’s Assemblies have been used all over the world to make decisions that are complicated and that may be political suicide for a government.
A recent Ipsos poll discovered that 8 in 10 people are concerned about the climate crisis, and over half think that the government’s plans are not good enough. “We want to find out what the residents of Nottingham think,” said Nottingham actress and director Tanya Myers.
“Oil companies profits have risen while our bills have tripled, and the fuel bill for the average UK household is expected to be £3,600 next year. The government has said that oil companies can reduce their tax bills by 80% by investing in new developments – and terrifyingly, they’re allowing these new developments to be new oil fields.”
“In previous years the UK has bought only 4% of its gas and 9% of its oil from Russia, [7] so there’s no reason why all new developments shouldn’t be in renewable energy.” said Etienne Stott, 41, Meadows
“We need a new way of making decisions, because this government just isn’t getting on with it, they aren’t even insulating houses which is the easiest thing and would create loads of employment. A proper Citizens’ Assembly has people chosen like a jury and the result is legally binding, I think they’d do a much better job!” Kay, New Basford
This event is part of a three week tour with three buses travelling around the UK including Chesterfield, Newark, Derby and Leicester.