The extreme temperatures we saw last week, on top of the prolonged dry weather we’re experiencing, has caused the low water levels at Gamston and Lady Bay.
Part of the Grantham Canal behind Morrisons in Gamston are completely dry after last week’s heatwave.
A spokesperson for Canal and River trust told The Wire:
‘Water supply on the Nottingham end of the canal is particularly challenging at the best of times, with the stretch from Cotgrave to Lady Bay only having one significant source of water supply – the Cotgrave feeder which enters the canal near Skinners Lock Cottage.
‘This means that the water levels in the canal are very much affected by rainfall, and do tend to drop during the summer, particularly in the downstream end towards Lady Bay.
‘These water supply issues have been compounded by low, flat culverted bridges which have been built across the canal since it was closed to boat traffic in 1929.
‘Our expert fisheries team have been monitoring the situation carefully and if they see fish in distress will arrange for them to be moved elsewhere on the canal – as we’ve done several times at Lady Bay in the past few years.
‘Sadly there have been some fish deaths, which is always upsetting to see, and we have contractors out on site this week to remove the carcasses.’
Rushcliffe Borough Councillor for Gamston North Jonathan Wheeler told The Wire:’ It is extremely sad to see the deaths of fish within the canal, and the low water level.
‘Of course the recent weather has not helped, however it is clear more maintenance is needed of the canal to help minimise future occurrences.
‘I have spoken with the Environment Agency, who I asked to attend at the weekend and with Rushcliffe Borough Council Officers.
‘Both parties have spoken with the Canal and River Trust to feedback issues and to offer to work together to help the Grantham Canal.’
Nottinghamshire Fire Authority – Inspection report
County Councillor Jonathan Wheeler, Leader of the Conservative Group on Nottinghamshire Fire Authority said: ‘It is a great credit to the leadership team and our staff for the great work they have done to improve following the previous report.
‘There is so much more to the Fire Service than just putting out fires, and our teams are doing a great job supporting residents of Nottinghamshire.’