Nottingham City Council could sell on a former children’s centre in Clifton after struggling to find a provider to take over the site.
The local authority has declared Clifton Children’s Centre surplus to operational requirements as part of a delegated decision, meaning it was not heard in an open council meeting.
Clifton Children’s Centre was originally built in 2008 adjacent to the Dovecote Primary School with funding from the Department for Education as part of the national Sure Start initiative.
The centre has provided early help services to the local community in addition to day care services through a charity, Greenfields Ltd.
The early help service was gradually relocated to Clifton Young People’s Centre on Green Lane, where delivery has taken place for around three years.
Greenfields, the day care provider, ceased delivery prior to lockdown.
The council said the charity was offered the option of taking on the management of the whole site under a lease or purchase but were unable to identify “a financially viable option” for this.
Another local day-care provider was approached and provided with the estimated annual running costs, however, they did not consider the site as a viable option either.
The adjoining Dovecote School was approached to take on the centre but declined the invitation due to a reduction in their pupil numbers.
The annual running costs for the site is approximately £55,000, including an £8,000 business rates charge.
A decision has now been made to declare the building surplus to operational requirements and for the future of the site to be determined by the Director of Economic Development at the council.
The revenue budgets associated with the centre totals £55,000 and will be used to offset savings already committed in the council’s savings plan.
The council says the building may become a hot spot for crime or antisocial behaviour if left unoccupied for any significant period of time.