Nottingham High School students are celebrating this week after achieving a stunning set of GCSE results.
This year’s cohort has excelled, 64.5% of grades were secured at the equivalent of Grades 8 and 9. 85.6% of Grades were at Grade 7 or above.
An incredible 10 pupils gained the equivalent of at least 10 9 Grades and 25 pupils each gained the equivalent of at least 10 Grades 8-9. 40.65% of all passes were at the highest possible grade 9.
Headmaster Kevin Fear said:
“We are thrilled that despite all the challenges of the past two years in terms of lockdown and illness that this year’s cohort have achieved such brilliant results.
“It shows the value of all the online teaching that was done during the lockdown periods but also the fantastic support that the staff gave to this group both academically and pastorally upon their return to School.
“Our students, their parents and their teachers can be incredibly proud of this significant achievement.
“We have worked really hard in recent years to further boost our results and it is so pleasing to see all this hard work paying off.
“These results come on top of our two recent awards from the Sunday Times as the Independent School of the Decade for the East Midlands and in 2021 as being the strongest academic school in the East Midlands.
“However, there is so much more to the education here and this year group also reached a national final in hockey this year as well as contributing so significantly to a very wide range of co-curricular activities.
“They are an impressive group of young people who are well-rounded and who thoroughly deserve this success.”