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Friday, January 17, 2025

Government announces Rotherham Council CEO will be £1,100 per day Commissioner for Nottingham City Council

The Government appointed Sharon Kemp, current CEO of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council as one of three commissioners sent in to manage and advise Nottingham City Council’s improvement measures.

The Government has today announced the appointment of Sharon Kemp, Chief Executive of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council, as Commissioner for Transformation for Nottingham City Council.

Working alongside Tony McArdle as Lead Commissioner and Margaret Lee as Finance Commissioner, she will play a pivotal role in overseeing the council’s improvement activities, with a focus on reshaping frontline services and ensuring the long-term financial sustainability of the council.

Sharon Kemp 2

The Commissioners have been granted extensive powers and will oversee the full range of the council’s improvement activities.

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Councillor David Mellen, Leader of the Council, reiterated the council’s commitment to working with the Commissioners, stating: “We are committed to collaborating with the Commissioners to address Nottingham’s current challenges and drive forward our improvement agenda as quickly as possible.”

Mel Barrett, the council’s Chief Executive, emphasised the importance of Sharon Kemp’s appointment in accelerating the council’s transformation efforts. He said: “The expertise and insight Sharon Kemp brings will be invaluable as we continue our journey of reshaping the organisation and delivering essential services for Nottingham residents within the financial resources available to us.” Click here for more information about Nottingham City Council Commissioners.


Sharon Kemp is Chief Executive of Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council. She was appointed by Government Commissioners and Rotherham Council in 2016 to lead improvements which saw powers returned to the council after intervention and a ‘Good’ Ofsted rated children and young people’s services since 2018.

Since Sharon became Rotherham Chief Executive, the council has been on a journey of continuous improvement. This progress has been recognised externally, with a recent LGA Corporate Peer Challenge in 2023 stating the council ‘serves the town well and is today an impressive organisation. It is ambitious and has well-established and robust foundations’.

The council was also awarded the Most Improved Council Award at the LGC Awards in 2022, where judges unanimously agreed that ‘from a rock bottom position it is possible to rebuild the trust of the community through understanding, courage, and openness’.

Dedicated to serving people and places, Sharon has worked in the public sector for more than years across community safety, neighbourhood management, community cohesion, performance, and partnerships. Sharon also has an Honours Degree in Public Administration.

Starting her career with Greater Manchester Police, her career includes six years in Blackburn and Darwen, working in the Regeneration Department and two years at the London Borough of Haringey as Assistant Chief Executive. Prior to Rotherham, Sharon was Assistant Chief Executive for People and Strategic Director (Reform) at Manchester City Council from 2009 to 2016.

The Deputy Director, Local Government Stewardship Max Soule issued the letter today.

The letter dated 11 April 2024 reads


I am writing to inform you that the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and
Communities has nominated you as Commissioner for the purposes of the Directions he
made on 22 February 2024 under section 15(5) and (6) of the Local Government Act 1999 in
relation to Nottingham City Council. I enclose the formal nomination document.

You are nominated as Commissioner for the period from 11 April 2024 to 22 February 2026.

You will join the Nottingham Commissioner team, including Tony McArdle as Lead
Commissioner and Margaret Lee as Commissioner. We expect the team to work together in
supporting Nottingham City Council to meet its best value duty.

Commissioners have the roles and responsibilities set out in the Directions, a copy of which
I enclose, along with a copy of the revised Explanatory Memorandum. Under the Directions,
Commissioners will act jointly or severally and are accountable to the Secretary of State in
that you have been nominated by him and can have your nomination withdrawn by him.

I have also enclosed terms of engagement that you will need to sign and return; your
nomination is made on the conditions set out in the terms of engagement.

You will be entitled to a fee for each day you act as a Commissioner. You will also be entitled to reasonable expenses. Under the terms of the Directions, it is the Authority’s responsibility to meet these costs and the Secretary of State has set these fees for you at £1,100 per day. Fees are payable up to a maximum of 150 days per annum. These limits should not be exceeded without prior approval of the Secretary of State. As to reasonable expenses, we would expect these to be in accordance with the rules for senior officers set out in the
Authority’s staff handbook.


Note [ the day rate of £1,100 for Ms Kemp is the amount Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council will be invoicing Nottingham City Council for her time.]

I understand you intend to continue your employment as an officer of Rotherham Metropolitan
Borough Council and you will ensure that transparent arrangements are agreed between
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council and Nottingham City Council that allow you to meet
your commitments as a Commissioner.

I also understand this will be subject to agreement by Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council in line with the governance arrangements at thisauthority given your current statutory role as Head of Paid Service. I expect RotherhamMetropolitan Borough Council to ensure robust governance arrangements are in place thatsupport the continued delivery of services at the standard that residents expect and that youwill keep these arrangements under review.

In your role as a public appointee, it may be necessary to disclose information on your
remuneration as part of annual accounts and you will be required to consent to the disclosure
of this information. By accepting this appointment, you will be indicating your consent to this.
The Secretary of State expects you to take an interest in matters across the Authority, beyond
those functions you are exercising, given the importance of ensuring that the Authority is
delivering best value in all that it does. You will play an important role in informing Ministers’ response to the situation in Nottingham.

You will wish to note that the Secretary of State has asked that you and your fellow
Commissioners provide him with an update at six-monthly intervals – or at any other time
deemed necessary by the Secretary of State.

You are required to exercise care in the use of information that you acquire in the course of
your duties and to protect information that is held in confidence.

You must declare any personal or business interests which may, or may be perceived to,
influence your judgement in performing your functions. These interests include (without
limitation), personal direct and indirect pecuniary interests, and any such interests of your
close family members and/or of people living in the same household as you or your close
family members.

You are expected to ensure that acceptance of gifts and hospitality can stand up to public
scrutiny. Similarly, care should be taken that no extravagance is involved with working
lunches and other social occasions.

In your role as a public appointee, you must act appropriately and in accordance with the
required standards. You are required to uphold the standards of conduct set out in by the
Seven Principles of Public Life (as amended from time to time). You will be required to
demonstrate your commitment to the principles and values of public service throughout your

Your appointment has the status of an office holder and not of an employee. Nothing in this
letter shall be construed as, or taken to create, a contract of service or contract for services between yourself and DLUHC, the Crown, or Nottingham City Council.
Should you have any queries or issues either now or during the Directions period please
contact me in the first instance. We are very grateful for your commitment to taking up this challenge to improve the performance of Nottingham City Council as Commissioner.

Yours sincerely,
Max Soule
Deputy Director, Local Government Stewardship

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