Residents who have lost their fight against a new build on a Hucknall cul-de-sac say it will cause “great harm” to locals.
Planners at Ashfield District Council were told that one elderly woman had already moved away because she was so worried about it.
The three-bedroom property will be built on the site of a demolished garage on Munks Avenue, which has become overgrown with wildlife.
Concerns were raised about the street’s parking and problems, as well as a family of ducks which have made their home there.
The application was approved by a planning committee on Wednesday (June 12).
Neighbour Jamie Hastey told councillors: “Everyone on the street has asked me to convey their worries. We have already lost one elderly resident who was so worried she sold her house and moved.
“The stream through the site floods regularly, and if building goes ahead, it will happen even more often.
“I was told that there couldn’t be any building on the site, or I would have bought it myself to preserve it for wildlife. It’s vital habitat, and wildlife groups want to get it back to how it should be.”
A total of 12 objections from nearby residents were submitted to the plans.
Ward Councillor Lee Waters (Ash Ind) said: “When residents are home, the street is crammed with cars. This end is used to turn around.
“If it was built on, they would have to reverse the full length onto a busy road – an accident waiting to happen.
“It’s simply wrong to destroy a thriving wildlife habitat appreciated by the community.”
The applicant, Maria Mcculloch, didn’t speak at the meeting.
A similar application was rejected last year for being too close to the properties on Linnet Way.
Council officers were satisfied with the amended version, and the council committee narrowly voted to approve them.
Following the vote, Mr Hastey called out: “Who do we put claims into once it floods?”