Plans to demolish two bungalows on Trent Boulevard and build two new houses and six new apartments could be voted through at a meeting next week.
The two bungalows are on land numbered 49 – 55 Trent Boulevard.
The plans include a bike shed, bin store, boundary wall and car parking.
Rushcliffe Borough Council Planning Committee will meet next week to discuss the latest proposals.
Permission was refused in 2019 for the demolition of the bungalows and erection of 4 detached dwellings, boundary wall and associated parking, and an appeal was subsequently dismissed in 2020.
An application for demolition of the bungalows and erection of 4 detached dwellings, boundary wall and associated parking (resubmission) was withdrawn in 2021
Permission was refused in 2021 for the demolition of the bungalows and construction of 6 apartments and two dwellings including erection of bike store and bin store, boundary wall and associated parking.
Permission was refused in 2022 for demolition of the bungalows and
construction of 6 Apartments and two dwellings including erection of bike
store and bin store, boundary wall and associated parking and an appeal was subsequently dismissed earlier this year.
Permission has been refused on three occasions in recent years, and two appeals have been dismissed.
19/00478/FUL was refused on grounds that the scale & layout of the development would result in a cramped appearance which would be unsympathetic to the street scene and character of the area, and due to unacceptable overshadowing & loss of light to neighbouring properties, particularly 47 Trent Boulevard. The inspector who determined the appeal considered that the development would not have a cramped or unsympathetic appearance, although he agreed with the Borough Council regarding the impact on 47 Trent Boulevard. 21/01719/FUL was subsequently refused on design, amenity, flood risk and ecology grounds.
Written representations have been received from 27 local
residents/neighbours raising objections which are summarised as follows.
a. Not in keeping with local character;
b. Over-intensive development;
c. Loss of light & privacy and overbearing impact;
d. Increase in noise and disruption;
e. Adverse impact on highway safety with too many cars parked on Trent
Boulevard and increase in congestion and danger to pedestrians;
f. Insufficient/inadequate parking spaces;
g. Contravenes priority of sustainability and achieving net zero;
h. Increase in pollution from emissions and impact on air quality;
i. Unsuitable location and not required;
j. Increase in flood risk and drainage problems;
k. Adverse impact on protected bat population.
However, changes in the plans have left authorities satisfied that the development could go ahead.
Officers are satisfied that the proposed development would be in accordance with the Development Plan and national planning guidance and, accordingly, recommend that planning permission is granted subject to conditions as set out below.
There it is RECOMMENDED that planning permission be granted subject to conditions.
A recommendation doesn’t mean the plans will be voted through by the committee when it comes to the meeting vote.