Transport Nottingham said:
‘The new cycle facilities at the junction where London Road meets Station Street and Great Northern Close are in place.
‘New bike traffic lights help keep cyclists safe.
‘We won’t be able to add surfacing and cycle symbols and arrows to the new lanes for a few weeks, so we’ve shown how it works on the map below.’
More about the works
Cyclists need to pull into an area of the carriageway in advance of the stop line and pedestrian crossing on their left, turn and face the direction of travel, and to wait there until that junction approach has a green cycle signal. At that point, cyclists travel forwards to complete their right turn. The waiting area will be indicated by cycle symbols and a right turn arrow once surfacing works are completed, which we expect to be around the end of September 2023.
London Road roundabout works
Works began on 19 June, for approximately 24 weeks.
Works include:
- Reallocating roadspace to provide a segregated cycleway from Canal Street heading towards Bellar Gate
- New traffic signal equipment including signalised pedestrian and cycle crossings
- Improvements to footways
- Resurfacing the road and installing new lining
The works involve:
- A mix of permanent and off-peak lane closures
- Existing traffic signals replaced with temporary traffic signals
- Pedestrian crossings maintained, where possible, or diversions to alternative crossing points