The Mayor of Rushcliffe (Cllr Sue Mallender) visited Breathe Easy Nottingham recently to give a talk to this support group.
She gave an entertaining talk about how she became involved in local politics, what the role of a Mayor within a Borough Council entails and how COVID has impacted on her term of office.
The 50 minute talk was extremely well received, followed by a lively Q&A session and afterwards the group were very pleased to be able to donate a cheque towards the Mayors Charity Appeal.
Breathe Easy Nottingham is a lung disease support group covering Rushcliffe, they meet once a month at Welbeck Hall where visiting speakers talk on diverse subjects (health related subjects and general interest) and members can have lunch and meet up with friends.
The group; which has been running for over 19 years, runs Health Related Exercise Classes twice a month, runs coffee mornings, a lunch club, supports ZOOM based activities beneficial to people with lung disease plus other social activities. COVID has greatly impacted the activities of this group over the past 2 years but in 2022 they hope to return to more normal life.
The group is also affiliated to Asthma + Lung UK, this recently launched national charity was created from the merger of British Lung Foundation and Asthma UK. The enlarged charity seeks to raise the profile of lung disease within the UK.
Lung disease is now the third most common cause of death, costing the NHS more than £9 billion every year. People living with lung conditions are often overlooked and risk being left behind. Their condition isn’t accurately diagnosed at an early stage – and even when they are diagnosed, they’re not given the care they need.
A major initiative of Asthma + Lung UK is The Taskforce for Lung Health a unique collaboration between experts in lung health, including patients, health care professionals and academics. A 5 year programme that aims to improve diagnosis, support for suffers, provide widespread rehabilitation provision and end of life support.
Breathe Easy Nottingham supports these initiatives and campaigns for better prospects for all those that have breathlessness and lung disease while continuing to help Rushcliffe residents with these conditions locally.
More details about Breathe Easy Nottingham
Website: https://nottsbreatheeasy.
Picture shows Malcom Ginever (Chair – Breathe Easy Nottingham) presenting a cheque to Cllr Sue Mallender (Mayor of Rushcliffe).