East Midlands Airport’s Aerozone and Academy has officially opened in new premises.
The Aerozone, the airport’s on-site education centre, provides an interactive and inspirational learning environment for children and young people aged 4 to 18 and is free of charge for school and college visits.
Aerozone and Academy – Free aviation training
The Academy offers free adult training including an ‘Introduction to the Aviation Industry’ course, and tailor-made pre-employment and upskilling training for around 200 unemployed or low-income adult learners a year and existing employees.
New premises
Previously the Aerozone and Academy were based in a building close to the airport’s main administrative offices but have now been relocated to new premises nearby which will officially open their doors on Friday 19 April.
Farnborough Academy
The occasion was marked with a special Aerozone visit by a group of 11-13-year-olds from Farnborough Academy in Clifton, along with a cohort of adult learners coming to the end of a two-week Exploring the Aviation Industry course.
The aim of the school visit is for the students to learn about the variety of roles at the airport and to experience, through hands-on activities, what it’s like to work at an airport. The Academy course, now provided in partnership with Nottingham College, gives attendees a direct route for career or study progression within the aviation industry.
The students weregreeted by EMA’s Managing Director Steve Griffiths, along with Lilian Greenwood, MP for Clifton’s constituency, Nottingham South.
Steve Griffiths said: “We’re really pleased to open new premises for our Aerozone and Academy. It underlines our ongoing commitment to inspire generations of young people through a range of tailored interactive experiences and activities, along with free training courses to equip people with the skills needed to take up various careers available at EMA.”
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