Plans for a brand new Aldi supermarket in West Bridgford have been granted permission.
The plans were submitted back in December 2021 and decided on 9 March 2023.
The proposal is for the construction of a food store to be occupied by Aldi with a gross internal area of 1802 sqm and a net sales area of 1315 sqm.
There will be 111 vehicle parking spaces which will include four electric vehicle charging points, 7 disabled and 6 parent and child spaces.
The retail store is expected to employ between 30-40 jobs both full and part time.
The proposed hours of opening are 8am until 10pm Monday to Saturday and between 10am and 4pm on Sundays.
The store will have a level access with a single customer entrance point.
Vehicular access is served from the eastern boundary from The Becket Way by way of a priority junction.
A new pedestrian access to be maintained and adopted is proposed to link the tramline with the school.
It is estimated that 5 deliveries will take place per day.
The single-storey building is of a contemporary design bespoke to an Aldi store with a sloping roof increasing from 4.6m to 5.9m as it extends towards the façade facing The Becket Way, say developers.
The developers’ Design and Access statement states:
The application site is located to the west of West Bridgford and just east of the boundary to Wilford, the aerial image below shows the site with the red line showing the application boundary.
The site is relatively level and currently sits about half a metre lower than The Becket Way and Wilford Lane.
To the south of the site is an existing residential area.
To the north of the site is The Becket School and to the west is the Wilford Lane tram stop and tramline with existing residential beyond.
Whilst the proposed store is only single storey, it has been designed to achieve prominence and visibility from The Becket Way and when travelling from the east along Wilford Lane.
The design uses a mixture of cladding and glazing giving the development a contemporary feel.