Monday 16 September 2024
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New River Trent ‘Waterside Bridge’ plans a step closer with huge public support

The new cycle and footbridge planned for the River Trent from Lady Bay West Bridgford to Trent Basin in Nottingham will be discussed in planning committee meetings this month.

Nottingham City Council recommends that the plans which will be discussed at its planning meeting on 17 April be approved, then Rushcliffe Borough Council has to accept and approve the plans for the parts of the land that fall within their planning area for the project to move forward.


New River Trent 'Waterside Bridge' plans a step closer with huge public support


Delegate the power to the Area Planning Manager to GRANT PLANNING
PERMISSION subject to:

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1. The resolution of Rushcliffe Borough Council to grant planning permission where the proposed development also falls within the administrative area of that local planning authority.

2. Conditions substantially in the form listed in the draft decision notice at the end
of this report, with power to determine the final details of the conditions to be
delegated to the Area Planning Manager.

New River Trent 'Waterside Bridge' plans a step closer with huge public support

The background to the Waterside Bridge idea

The application land on the north side of the river forms part of the on-going Trent Basin development, which is regenerating this substantially vacant/brownfield land with family housing.

New River Trent 'Waterside Bridge' plans a step closer with huge public support
© Nottingham City Council

Phases of the Trent Basin development have been completed to the east of the basin and planning permission for further phases of housing development to the north and west of the Basin has also been approved (Ref: 21/02550/POUT – pending completion of the S106 Agreement which is currently in the process of negotiation).

There are industrial warehouse buildings to the west of the basin that are accessed from Poulton Drive. A warehouse building occupied by Flo Skatepark is included within the application site and has also been identified to be redeveloped as part of the future phases of the Trent Basin development.

New River Trent 'Waterside Bridge' plans a step closer with huge public support


On the south side of the river within Rushcliffe Borough Council’s administrative area there is the Nottinghamshire Sports Club playing fields, which are used by several sporting organisations including Nottingham Corsairs, Nottinghamshire County Cricket Club and Nottingham Rugby. To the east of the playing fields is The Hook Local Nature Reserve, which is a large area of open space and floodplain.

There is a shared footpath and cycle path along the south side of the river. The residential area of Lady Bay is to the south of The Hook Local Nature Reserve.

New River Trent 'Waterside Bridge' plans a step closer with huge public support

Where is the money coming from?

The City Council, in a joint bid with Derby City Council, was successful in securing £161m of funding from the Department of Transport’s Transforming Cities Fund to deliver a programme of transport improvements designed to strengthen connections between major employment sites, upgrade public transport and improve options for people on bike or foot. Included on this programme was a
project to design and build a new cycle and pedestrian bridge over the River Trent in the vicinity of the Waterside area.

In December 2020 the City Council commissioned a feasibility study for a bridge crossing at the three locations identified within the Waterside Supplementary Planning Document. The locations on the north bank of the river were Poulton Drive, Trent Basin, and Trent Lane.

What are the responses to the proposals from the public and organisations?

42 neighbouring properties have been individually notified, including:
19 – 29(o), 30 – 60(e) Portside Street
Apartments 1-10 31 Portside Street
3 – 7 Waterfront Mews
6 & 8 Dockside Mews
Nottingham Waste Centre Freeth Street
Units 4 & 6, Poulton Drive

The following comments have been received:

Trent Basin Resident: Support. I fully support the bridge. It is an important part of
the waterside development vision, enabling pedestrian and cycle access to and
from Lady Bay and West Bridgford. It offers an easier way for pedestrians and
cyclists to get to Nottingham, which will eventually be through the waterside
development and further regeneration leading to the city centre.


Trent Basin Resident: Support. This bridge will be very beneficial in opening up all
of Lady Bay and West Bridgford for a great number of people and a greater number
of people in years to come. It is an investment in the area. It will allow more people
to commute by walking and attract more business to the area.

Trent Basin Resident: Support. It will be a great way to open up access to green
areas either side of the river for those both North and South of the river. I believe
this would also be of great benefit to those looking to head to Lady Bay / central
West Bridgford from North of the river, such as areas like Colwick and Sneinton and
on the reverse people South of the river to head to the centre of Nottingham.

Trent Basin Resident: Support. The bridge will be a huge benefit on both sides of
the river. It will provide much needed connectivity for the expanding Trent Basin
development to the amenities of Lady Bay and beyond – without the jeopardy of the
Daleside Rd and the crossings associated with Lady Bay bridge. Similarly, it will
allow residents south of the river cycle/pedestrian access into the city and to the
Colwick Park green area.

Clearly there may be some potential downsides – The potential risk of anti-social
behaviour related to the ‘Amphitheatre’ landing area which could attract
loitering/congregating groups and could not only lead to noise, litter etc. The
potential for nuisance associated with noisy ‘monkey motor bikes’ etc using the
bridge and ‘joy-riding’ within the Trent basin residential area (this already happens
along the river path on the South side of the river). Potential parking in the Trent
Basin area, particularly during match days at Nottingham Forest and Trent Bridge
cricket, enforcement of resident parking restrictions and management of any large
numbers of football/cricket fans.

Trent Basin Resident: Objection. Whilst I welcome the level of investment
designated to the local area, I believe the money allocated to the bridge could be
better spent on a number of struggling services and amenities around Nottingham,
which would provide way better value than the building of a very expensive bridge.
I understand the bridge funding is coming from a different place, but it just seems
so wrong that it’s not spent in a way that benefits the people of Nottingham who
could really do with extra help.

I understand the potential benefits that green infrastructure improvements can bring
to an area but am also apprehensive about the consequences this project might
have locally, including antisocial behaviour; parking challenges during sports
events; illegal use by people on motorcycles; littering and increased maintenance
costs: increased foot traffic will leading to more littering (costs that will be passed
on to Trent Basin residents) and; proximity to Lady Bay Bridge, which already
provides a crossing point in the area and raises questions about the necessity and
cost-effectiveness of the new bridge that does the same job.

Trent Basin Resident: Support. I am hugely in favour of the planning application
that covers the bridge and the associated works. However, the bridge design is
rather intrusive in terms of scale and will spoil the beautiful view looking down the
river. CCTV is a must. The ‘triangle’ lawn area at the basin today is sadly a
congregation point for a lot of anti-social behaviour and am therefore
concerned about the steps around the bridge being a congregation point for anti-
social behaviour.

Trent Basin Resident: Support. I support the design of the bridge, the position and
the landscaping. It will open up Colwick Park and Colwick woods and provide
access into town for runners, walkers, and cyclists from Lady Bay, West Bridgford,
and beyond. As a runner and cyclist, gaining access to these areas is dangerous
and unpleasant via Lady Bay Bridge. When residents discover how great Colwick
Park and Colwick Woods are, it will massively improve their perception of no-car-
dependent access to public spaces. Access to Lady Bay retail park will also be
easier. Likewise, the bridge will hugely improve access to the south side of the river
for the new residential areas north of the river, Sneinton and beyond. The building
of the bridge will hopefully unlock speedy development of the remainder of the
Trent Basin development heading west along the river from 2025 onwards
providing much needed housing and improving a mixed-use area. The bridge is a
sign of further much-needed development in Nottingham and beyond at a difficult
economic time.

Trent Basin Resident: Support. The bridge has been talked and consulted about
for nearly 20 years. The Riverside Regeneration Scheme is very slowly starting to
take shape and getting on with this faster will help to make Nottingham great again.
It’s about time we took advantage of the superb waterside location that we have on
our doorstep. Please can the build of the bridge be expedited, as delays to the
bridge only mean delays to the development of future phases of Trent Basin future
phases, and this isn’t good for anybody in Nottingham. Our neighbourhood currently
lacks connectivity. The bridge will help to prevent having to walk/cycle along a dual
carriageway to get to West Bridgford, Beeston, Nottingham, Wilford and further.
This will be a very positive step in Nottingham’s infrastructure at a time when some
good news is needed. I also think that the authorities should start up a green
kayaks scheme where people get to paddle in a kayak for free if they pick up a
certain amount of litter from the water/water banks. Lastly, can the lights
automatically switch off or dim past a certain hour.

Yacht Club Place Resident: Support. Although not yet as formally organised as
our neighbours at Trent Basin Resident’s Association, informal discussions among
owner-occupiers living at Yacht Club Place strongly support the bridge. We urge the
city & its contractors to proceed with all reasonable & safe dispatch. The concerns
of our Trent Basin neighbours are sensible. I urge the city to ensure sturdy,
adequate environmentally sensible lighting & camera coverage in the area & along
the footpath from the bridge to Rufford House to deter crime & disturbance.

Trent Basin Residents Association: Support.

1. The TBRA strongly supports the planning application, which looks great overall
and well considered in detail.
2. The residents are very much looking forward to the vastly expanded sustainable,
safe, quiet and unpolluted, cycle and foot connectivity it will provide, to The
Hook, Holme Pierrepont, Lady Bay, central West Bridgford and Trent Bridge
amenities. Plus, connection to Sustrans cycle Route 15
3. It is essential that the bridge has a temporary connecting pathway west to
Poulton Drive / Freeth Street immediately from opening. We understand that
Blueprint support this, across their future Trent Basin Ph.4 land. It can be
accommodated within the 8m construction setback from the riverbank, that the
Environment Agency stipulate.
4. Additionally, we understand that there is a wider fully grant funded project to
develop and construct permanent foot and cycle routes to feed into the bridge.
5. Post consultation we appreciate that the north bank landing mound, is no longer
all ‘amphitheatre’ in style. We would ask that the developer consider other small
adjustments and more mature planting to reduce likelihood of antisocial
behaviour, disturbing apartment residents.
6. Lighting must be subdued, given the wildlife sensitivity of the location. The
handrail downlighting detail should provide this, we would also ask that lighting
on the access ramps and stair is similar, perhaps on a timer to switch off, late
7. We envisage there will be some negatives with the bridge opening, we are be
prepared to deal with this on a ‘wait and see’ basis, particularly regarding
Nottingham Forest match days, general antisocial behaviour and illegal drug
related issues.
8. We would ask that Nottingham City provide and service rubbish bins, these need
to be wind and wildlife proof.
9. We would ask that electrical connections are available, for possible future
installation of CCTV also seasonal lighting possibly for the summer Riverside
Festival and Christmas
10. The name ‘Waterside Bridge’ is uninspired, especially given that NCC have
done nothing to rebrand the ‘Nottingham Waterside’ area from Trent Bridge
Quays to the Yacht Club Place. NCC needs to get proactive on this, or the bridge
given another name by public consultation.
City Resident: Support. The proposed cycle/pedestrian bridge will support and
enhance existing access to both working individuals and leisure groups in the
surrounding area, although cycle pathway provision is limited on the Northern side
and needs expansion. As an active cyclist I can only embrace the project with
enthusiasm, seemingly both robust and with aesthetic appeal.
City Resident: Objection. This is a complete waste of public taxpayers’ money.
There are two existing bridges within 1km of this proposed bridge and a cycle lane
could be provided at either or both for much less money. This is a bridge to
nowhere, the Rushcliffe side of the river is merely a foot/cycle path which is already
connected to the City side of the river at Lady Bay and Trent Bridge. To say it will
promote sustainable travel is nonsense, it does not go anywhere. There will be
irreparable damage to wildlife and ecological habitats along the south bank of the
river as a consequence of construction and use of this bridge and the proposed
ecological mitigation is both inappropriate (not like for like) and inadequate, also
displacing current ecology. There will be increased danger to river users from the
inevitable throwing of objects from the bridge as already experienced from other
bridges. This has not been adequately considered in the effects of the proposal.
West Bridgford Resident: Support. I believe it will provide a very positive addition
to Nottingham’s transport and recreation. Nottingham has an excellent reputation
for sustainable transport provision and this bridge will be a very significant addition
to this. For cycle use, the bridge will provide a very welcome provision, greatly
improving the safety and pleasure for cyclists who currently have to endure the
highly un-cycle-friendly crossings of Lady Bay and Trent Bridges. It will encourage
more cycle use with more people taking advantage of the many recent and ongoing
improvements for cycles. For pedestrians it will provide enhanced accessibility for
Rushcliffe residents to explore the fascinating streets of Sneinton or enjoy the
depths of Colwick Woods and wonderful view from its summit, and for City
residents to walk the paths along the Trent, across The Hook and around the Water
Sports Centre.

West Bridgford Resident: Support. I fully support the plans to build a pedestrian
and cycling bridge over the Trent. It will provide a safe, environmentally sustainable
crossing, linking the city and especially the new housing by the river, with West
Bridgford and Lady Bay. Great for people on the south side to travel into the city,
and for those on the north side to access green spaces and sports facilities. So
much better for cyclists than cycle lanes on the existing traffic-choked road bridges!
The design also looks great.

West Bridgford Resident: Support. This will provide a valuable link across the
river for those walking and cycling.

Central West Bridgford Community Association: Support. It would be no
exaggeration to say that this proposal is an answer to the dreams that many of us
have had for decades. Although pedestrian and cycle bridges over major
waterways are fairly commonplace throughout the world, the fact that this bridge
could soon become reality in our neighbourhood feels little short of miraculous.
The Central West Bridgford Community Association views this application as a
greatly welcome opportunity to meet a number of vital needs:
1. Improve the links between communities north and south of the River Trent. This
need is more urgent with the burgeoning of new housing along the north side of the
river, where community facilities are currently limited.
2. Improve access for those south of the river to important but relatively neglected
cultural resources, such as Greens Mill, and Colwick Park. For those north of the
river, access to the National Water Sports Centre – also relatively neglected – would
also greatly improve.
3. A safe method for those on foot, cycles, or mobility aids to cross the River Trent.
Nearby alternatives, Trent Bridge and Lady Bay Bridge (especially its access at the
north end) are intimidating, therefore off-putting, if not downright dangerous.
4. An attractive alternative for active travel for both leisure and commuting
5. Improved active travel connections leading to the new bridge on either side of the
river, enhancing non-car travel across the river and throughout the area.
Meeting these needs – enhancing community links and encouraging a long-term
switch to active travel – stands to make genuine progress towards a community life
that is healthier and more inclusive, easing of car traffic congestion, and the
reduction of harmful emissions that exacerbate global warming. It is a relief to see
such essential goals being taken seriously.
There are some concerns inevitably accompanying a construction project like this:
Loss of trees and shrubs. Is it really essential for the entire row of trees to be
removed along the track running between the two sports grounds on the south side
of the river? Replacement plantings are a poor comparison to retaining established
trees. Plans to put in plantings to improve green corridors for better biodiversity are
most welcome, but will they actually come to fruition, and will best practice as
recommended by wildlife experts be followed?
Greatly increased cycling – including motor-assisted cycles and scooters – may
cause conflict with pedestrians and more vulnerable active travellers. Improved
tracks planned for approaching both sides of the bridge access may help reduce
pressure here, but we could find that such conflict needs managing.
We would like to express our appreciation for the smart use of existing
infrastructure and the keen eye on future benefits (e.g. extension of cycle track
network) that this application exhibits. The whole might indeed prove to be greater
than the sum of its parts.
In conclusion, the Central West Bridgford Community Association whole-heartedly
approves of the application to construct this pedestrian and cycle bridge over the
Trent. Indeed, we whole-heartedly celebrate it.

Loughborough Resident: Support. Locally this will encourage people to use active
travel (walking or cycling) to the benefit of their mental and physical health. It will
also encourage more activity in the area, reducing the opportunities for criminals to
take advantage of unvisited areas. This bridge will also open up a low traffic route
for cyclists wishing to move north or south across the Trent when touring by bicycle.
Ulverston Resident: Support. I very much support this proposed development,
which will greatly enhance permeability for pedestrians and cyclists within the City
of Nottingham, by providing an additional crossing over a significant natural barrier
(i.e. the River Trent).

Nottingham Civic Society Support. Wholeheartedly supports the proposed new
foot / cycle bridge over the River Trent at Trent Basin. The bridge would bring much
needed connectivity to people living on both sides of the river. It would benefit
safer, sustainable, active travel choices for commuters and it would greatly enhance
the routes available for leisure cycling, walking and running, contributing to
enjoyment of the riverside environment and to health and to well-being generally.
The new bridge would also be an important contribution to the emerging Riverside
Regeneration Area, encouraging more inward investment towards delivering
brownfield development, within easy reach of the City Centre.
NCS also welcomes the design of the proposed ‘bowstring’ bridge, as an elegant
and valuable addition to the Waterside Regeneration Area, handling the needs of
the different bridge and waterside users, whilst achieving the necessary clearance
over the river.
The new foot / cycle bridge would make a significant contribution to sustainable

Nottingham Local Access Forum: Support. The planned foot-cycle bridge across
the River Trent on the east side of Nottingham, connecting the rapidly changing
Waterside Regeneration Area, around Trent Basin and between Lady Bay Bridge
and Colwick Park on the north bank with the Lady Bay area of West Bridgford on
the south bank, will be both a very striking major new landmark for the whole
Nottingham and extensive riverside area, and also one of the “crown jewels” of the
Greater Nottingham Active Travel network, in the same way as the very popular
and very well-connected Wilford Suspension Bridge and Wilford Toll Bridge have
done for now many year, further west.
With new, upgraded and extended connections it will be a major boost to walking,
cycling, wheeling and running, for both commuting / utility and leisure trips, and give
vulnerable road users a much safer and more pleasant route across the Trent than
major road crossings like Trent Bridge and Lady Bay Bridge, as well as enhancing
the value of the riverside paths system on both banks of the Trent throughout the
Nottingham area and beyond and opening many new possibilities for new and
longer trips, both linear and circular, opening up new areas for safe public
enjoyment without aggravating traffic congestion and consequent air pollution.
With further improved connections, its potential value will continue to increase long
after it first opens, not just as a leisure route to and from the many leisure /
recreational attractions along the river, and in its vicinity, such as Colwick Park,
Holme Pierrepoint Water Sports Centre and Country Park, Skylarks Nature Reserve
and Cotgrave Country Park, but even more, in terms of commuting / utility trips for
people living in the many new and planned major housing developments, especially
south of the river, east of West Bridgford, such as between Gamston and Tollerton,
and in and around Cotgrave, Radcliffe on Trent and Bingham.
It will also enhance the value of several national and local cycling and walking
routes, including Route 15 of the Sustrans National Cycle Network, the Trent Valley
Way and the towpath of the Grantham Canal, as well as being a major and very
useful addition to the growing walking and cycling network in the Nottingham and
West Bridgford areas, in particular, with very significant environmental and public
and individual health benefits, as well as being a major boost to the local economy
and sustainable tourism in the area.

Pedals: Support. As one of the main organisations involved in the campaign for a
new foot-cycle bridge on the east side of the Nottingham area, connecting the Trent
Basin and Colwick areas with Lady Bay, West Bridgford, Pedals very much
welcomes and supports these dual applications which we are sure will be of great
benefit, not just to walkers, cyclists and wheelers, but also to runners, with a greater
choice of safe and attractive linear and circular routes, in combination with other
safer bridge crossings of the Trent in the West Bridgford and Nottingham area,
particularly attractive for many leisure trips.

As well as expressing our strong support we wish to take this opportunity to repeat
and emphasise our view of the importance of the new bridge having a series of
improved and extended connections on both sides of the Trent, to help exploit fully
the potential of this new safe crossing of the river for encouraging Active Travel in
general, both for leisure and commuting / utility use, and facilitating new
opportunities for trips, in combination not just with the other bridge crossings but
also the upgraded and extended riverside paths, together with improved and
extended access routes in the wider bridge catchment area.
Planning of these should take full account of the growing use of ebikes, which
facilitate both longer trips by bike and cycling in hillier areas, including in particular,
older age groups who might otherwise be more likely to stop cycling. The greater
leisure cycling opportunities opened up by the completion of the bridge will be
particularly important for them, and for families, helping, with training and wider
support, to establish enduring Active Travel habits, with very great individual and
public health benefits.
Planning of routes means not only upgrading and extending the routes that are of
most importance to facilitating access in the short term, coordinated with the
opening of the bridge, but also a continuing well-coordinated effort, by the City and
County Councils, Rushcliffe Borough Council and National Highways, as well as
private developers, to implement a further series of good standard coherent
connections, particularly with regard to the many new and planned housing
developments in the vicinity, including the Trent Basin area north of the river and, to
the south, the Gamston Fields Sustainable Urban Extension developments
between Bassingfield and Tollerton, and in the Cotgrave, Radcliffe of Trent areas,
and other nearby settlements.
The expanded connections should also take account of the need to improve
substandard sections of important national and regional routes nearby such as the
Trent Valley Way, Route 15 of the Sustrans National Cycle Network, especially the
very poor Private Road section on Holme Lane past Holme Pierrepont Hall) and the
Grantham Canal towpath.
The most important connections we would like to see in the short term, coordinated
with the opening of the bridge are, on the north bank, the completion of the
riverside path between Colwick Park and Meadow Lane Lock, building on the very
useful work already completed recently by the City Council upgrading a series of
paths in Colwick Park and between there and Trent Lane.
Also, a high priority on the north bank should be the creation of a safer and more
direct high standard link to connect to Daleside Road (A612) and the rest of the
Eastern Cycle Corridor, including a much better standard toucan crossing than the
present very cramped and generally substandard one located a little west of the
Trent Lane roundabout.
On the south bank the main priorities should be the upgrading the riverside path
(part of both the Trent Valley Way and Sustrans NCN Route 15) between Lady Bay
Bridge and Holme Pierrepont Water Sports Centre and Country Park, with better
links and from Adbolton Lane and the connecting Sustrans NCN15 Route to and
from Radcliffe on Trent (all with 20mph speed limits), as well as the much improved
cycle path on Regatta Way, opened by the County Council and Via-East Midlands
Ltd. in August 2022.
As well as upgrading all of the south bank riverside path between Lady Bay Bridge
and The Hook, perhaps in a firm resin bound smooth and well-drained surface, to
blend in better with the more rural surroundings, accesses to and from the south
bank landing would benefit greatly from providing a more direct legal access to and
from near the west end of Holme Road, Lady Bay, along the alignment across the
edge of the Sports Ground which is now planned to be used as a haul route to and
from the south bank construction compound, to the west of the Skate Park area.
We would also like to emphasise that the new foot-cycle bridge should be followed
by improvements for cyclists on existing road bridges across the Trent, especially
Lady Bay Bridge and Trent Bridge but also Clifton Bridge which has some cycling
provision but of very poor standard.
On the south bank a further useful connection would be to upgrade and legalise all
of the present unofficial route between the north side of the Holme Pierrepont
Water Sports Centre and Radcliffe on Trent, with connections to the Cotgrave
Greenway and Grantham Canal towpath, as well as existing and planned new
housing developments in the area.
On all routes, both on the immediate bridge approach routes and further afield,
maintenance is a crucial issue, as well as maintenance of the bridge itself, and
arrangements for maintenance responsibilities must be clearly set out. In this
regard it should be noted that maintenance of the riverside path on the south bank
of the Trent, between The Hook and Lady Bay Bridge, has been generally very
poor ever since this section of the path (part of Sustrans National Cycle Network
Route 15) was first tarmacked in the 1990s, and its effective width has been greatly
narrowed, largely because of insufficient action to remove the large accumulation of
fallen leaves each autumn.
This neglect has made it easy for the surface to become very rough in parts, and for
plants to grow in the resultant rotten leaves. Now that this already well-used section
of path is to be the main route to and from the south bank landing of the new bridge
it is imperative both that the surface is renewed (and made flood-proof) as well as
that far more regular and effective maintenance arrangements are put in place.
A final point we would like to raise is the very understandable fears that of some
people living in the vicinity of the bridge may have about security, both on the
bridge and on its immediate approaches, as well as in the wider vicinity. These
concerns, we agree, need to be very carefully addressed, e.g by the use of CCTV
as well as the proposed indicative handrail lighting proposals such as show in
Figure 18 of the Combined Design and Access Statement and Planning Statement,
and discussed on page 28 of that document. It would also encourage use of the
bridge after dark to have some lighting on the south bank approach paths, carefully
installed and designed to take account of the impact on wildlife, especially given the
status of The Hook as a Local Nature Reserve. Everyone should feel safe when
using the bridge and its approaches after dark, as well as during daylight hours.

Nottingham Friends of the Earth: Support. As an organisation that campaigns
against air pollution that damages health and fossil fuel emissions that contribute to
the climate crisis, we very much support the application for a new pedestrian and
cycle bridge over the River Trent, connecting the Trent Basin and Colwick areas
with Lady Bay and West Bridgford, Friends of the Earth very much welcomes the
application that will facilitate and encourage more active journeys for both work and
leisure. Active journeys along dedicated routes such as the bridge not only reduce
harmful pollutants such as PM2.5, which we regard as Nottingham’s secret killer
(see our report:; they also place
travellers away from the pollutants on the road used by vehicles. Having said that,
the best outcomes from the planned bridge will be achieved by improving and
extending connections on both sides of the Trent, to existing and new active travel

Additional consultation letters sent to:
Policy: No objection. The Nottingham element of the site is located within the
Waterside Regeneration Zone and Land and Planning Policies Local Plan part 2
(LAPP) site allocation SR73 (Waterside – Daleside Road, Trent Lane Basin). The
whole site falls partly within Flood Zone 2 and partly within Flood Zone 3. The
Waterside SPD is also a material consideration in determining the proposal.
The proposal would be in accordance with the Waterside SPD, which identifies that
the river provides for amenity walking along its banks and indicates the Trent Basin
and Trent Lane as a potential location for a new bridge. The development would
support the wider regeneration aims of the SPD as well as its ambition for
sustainable transport infrastructure, and changes to the transport network both
within and outside Waterside in accordance with the Core Strategy’s hierarchical
The bridge crossing proposal would assist the aims of transformational
development to create a new riverside community set out in the development
principles for the LAPP site allocation SR73.
The majority of the whole site area falls into Flood Zone 2 (medium risk), with a
small proportion of the area within Flood Zone 3 (high risk). A Flood Risk
Assessment (FRA) was submitted alongside the application and the findings of the
assessment that the proposal is at an acceptable level of flood risk, subject to
implementation of the recommended flood mitigation strategies are accepted. The
proposal therefore accords with LAPP Policy CC3 (Water)
The proposal would be in accordance with LAPP Policy RE8: (Waterside) which
supports improvements to canal side routes to provide a continuous footpath and
cycleway along the north bank of the River Trent and the potential for improved/new
cycle and pedestrian crossings over the River Trent.
Policy DE2 (Context and Place Making) supports proposals that contribute towards
the creation of an attractive, safe and inclusive pedestrian environment and wider
public realm, that provides good accessibility, especially for people with disabilities,
reinstating or introducing new pedestrian and cycle linkages where appropriate. The
policy also promotes the maximisation of opportunities for sustainable transport.
The submitted application would also comply with LAPP Policy EN5 (Development
Adjacent to Waterways) through the maintenance, enhancement and or creation of
suitable and safe public connections to, along and adjacent to waterway(s) for
walking, cycling and maintenance, whilst also realising the potential of the proximity
of waterways in order to maximise the regeneration benefits of the site.
Submitted details within the application have demonstrated that significant
ecological impacts are avoided and mitigated against, in accordance with LAPP
Policy EN6 (Biodiversity).
The bridge crossing proposal would link to cycle routes safeguarded under LAPP
Policy TR3 (Cycling).

Highways: No objection subject to a condition requiring the submission of a
construction traffic management plan, plus other highway informatives.
Rushcliffe Borough Council: Are currently consulting on the application for the
bridge within Rushcliffe, as such we are unable to comment at present.
Nottinghamshire County Council Highways: The Highway Authority has no
objections in principle to the proposal, however in order to determine the highway
related implications a Transport Assessment needs to be submitted. The scope of
the TA needs to be agreed with the Highway Authority to ensure that all areas of
interest are covered. If a TA is not submitted, then the Highway Authority considers
that the applicant has yet to demonstrate what the likely pedestrian/cycle
movements and routes associated with bridge are going to be. Subsequently we
consider that there is insufficient information in order to determine the likely
highway network capacity or highway safety implications associated with the
• Likely potential numbers of cyclists/pedestrians that would be using the bridge.
• Likely pedestrian/cycle routes to and from the south side of the bridge in order to
determine which junctions could potentially be impacted and require an
assessment. Also, an assessment of the suitability of the routes for use by
• Whether improvements to the pedestrian/cycle links between the bridge and
likely destinations (such as West Bridgford town centre) are proposed.
• Whether the proposal is likely to remove car-based commuting journeys from the
local highway network due to the provision of the bridge.
• Whether the proposal is likely to increase car-based leisure journeys/on-street
parking in Lady Bay due to the provision of the bridge.
The application documentation makes no reference to the links being improved. In
order to ensure that the route is viable and attractive for potential users of the
bridge, we would expect that improvement works to the southern path would form
part of the overall bridge scheme. This should be looked at as part of the TA.
Nottinghamshire County Council as Highway Authority will not take any
maintenance liability for the bridge.
The Highway Authority considers that the highway implications related to
construction can be dealt with by way of a condition relating to the updating of the
Construction Management Plan as well as through the Traffic Regulation Order

Environment Agency: Support with conditions. The Environment Agency supports
proposals which encourage sustainable methods of transport and given its location
this development would improve access to the primary blue infrastructure asset in
the city of Nottingham.

Canal & River Trust: No objection. The Canal & River Trust does not own the
River Trent along this stretch but we are the Navigation Authority and therefore
responsible for ensuring that boat traffic can safely navigate this part of the river. In
this capacity the Trust has been involved in discussions with the applicant over the
design of the bridge to ensure that it achieves adequate clearance over the
waterspace and to understand how construction operations are likely to affect river
The applicant has signed up to the Trust’s Code of Practice for Works Affecting the
Canal & River Trust and through this, our engineers are liaising with the applicant to
ensure that any risks to navigational safety are identified and appropriately
managed. The application documents reflect the discussions that we have had to
date, and we are satisfied that we can continue to manage matters relevant to us
outside the planning application process. We therefore have no objection to the
We recommend that any planning permission includes a suitably worded planning
condition requiring the submission of a Construction Environmental Management
Plan (CEMP) which identifies arrangements for minimising adverse impacts from
material and or contaminated run-off entering the river during construction
operations as this may pose risks to waterway users.
Flood Risk Management: No comments or objections in relation to this
Biodiversity: Bat surveys were completed outside of the suitable timeframes for
survey and the Report suggests that further survey is completed during peak
activity season. Suggest this be a pre-commencement condition i.e. before any
vegetation clearance is undertaken. Additionally, the Bat report suggests a
sensitive lighting plan be developed and submitted, this should follow the
recommendations set out in the report and should be submitted prior to any lighting
being fitted.
The survey report for otter and water vole was completed in 2021 which makes it
nearly 3 years out of date, this should be updated and submitted as a pre-
commencement condition. Survey results are only valid for 2 seasons/years before
they need to be updated.
The BNG survey shows a loss in watercourse units and it is advised that
mitigation/compensation for this loss in habitat is sought out but due to the
application being submitted prior to mandatory BNG it is not something that can be
enforced. The trading summary for area habitats is showing an error, this is due to
the lack of urban trees and sparsely vegetated land in the post development plan.
Is there a way these habitats could be included in some way in the final design in
the form of street trees and a gravel landscaped area with ruderal vegetation? The
habitats which will be created on and off site should be detailed in a landscape plan
and management should be outlined in a habitat management and monitoring plan
for the site including details of responsibility of management and methods of

City Archaeologist: No objection. I would recommend that a standard condition is
used requiring a programme of archaeological works. Although the nature of the
archaeological works will be informed by the results of geotechnical investigation, I
would envisage that some fieldwork will be required and so a condition requiring a
programme of archaeological works will cover all that is required.


•  Council reveals new images and fly-through video of new River Trent bridge plans with start date of summer 2024


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