Mums-to-be can now bring one adult with them from the same household to all routine pregnancy scans and routine pregnancy-related hospital appointments.
Nottingham Hospitals has announced new guidance since the easing of lockdown rules see below:
In order to keep you and other people in our hospital safe, please follow these guidelines.
Please do not attend the hospital if you are unwell, self- isolating or experiencing any Covid-19 symptoms.
You must:
- Wear a surgical facemask whilst in the hospital and during the scan, unless exempt for a valid reason. These are available at all main entrances to the hospital and in clinic areas. If you are exempt you will be expected to wear a visor.
- Maintain 2 metres social distancing
- Use the hand sanitiser provided on entering the hospital and antenatal clinic.
Please do not bring children to your scan or appointment. Children will not be permitted in the clinic area or scan room, and staff will not be able to look after them.
You will:
- Not be permitted to wait in the antenatal clinic waiting area before the scan or appointment.
- Be asked to wait outside the Maternity Unit in the Maternity Foyer designated seating areas (City) or in the corridor leading to ward B26, adjacent to the Antenatal clinic (QMC). Please stand in the marked areas to maintain social distancing. If the seats are fully occupied, please wait outside or in your car.
- Be called/collected in time for the start of the scan or appointment by your partner, at the meeting point.
Please be aware that scan and appontment times will be kept to a minimum, and cannot be delayed to locate accompanying adults who are not in the designated waiting area.
Please note the following important points:
- Please turn off mobile phones and devices before entering the scan room. Scans are medical examinations, and the sonographer needs to be able to concentrate without distractions.
- On entering the scan room please sit in the designated chair, and remain seated throughout the examination. The chair has been socially distanced to maintain your safety and that of the sonographer.
- Eating and drinking is not permitted within the scan room.
- Immediately following the scan or appointment, accompanying adults will be asked to leave the antenatal clinic area during completion of the paperwork and clinical review. At that time, please leave the building promptly.
For more information please visit: