Police have shut down a property in Nottingham after it was used for drug-related crime and other criminal activity.
The property in Alfreton Road, Radford, has been boarded up after a tenant was evicted.
Officers from the City Central neighbourhood policing team secured a court order for a three-month closure, making it an offence for anyone to enter or remain on the premises with the exception of emergency services, the landlord or an authorised representative.
Anyone who breaches the order – including the previous occupants – will be committing a criminal offence and liable to a fine or imprisonment.
The order was sought following numerous reports of drug use and anti-social behaviour at the address.
“There has been a disproportionate number of incidents that have required police attendance at the address over the past few years,” said Sergeant Dan Griffin, from the neighbourhood policing team.
“These incidents typically involve anti-social behaviour and drug-related activity and have caused other residents of the address to permanently move out and seek alternative homes.
“Neighbours have also moved out due to the level of anti-social behaviour and criminal activity that was taking place.
“We have executed warrants on a regular basis but criminal activity at the address continued. We, therefore, decided to seek a closure order to provide enforcement action on the tenant and his associates.
“I am delighted Nottingham Magistrates’ Court granted the closure order as this will provide respite to the local community from the continual anti-social, nuisance and criminal behaviour that has occurred inside and outside of the address.”
The closure order was granted on 3 March under the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. Officers cleared the property on the same day and a private firm was brought in to board the house up.
Inspector Ben Lawrence, who leads the City Central neighbourhood policing team, said officers had worked tirelessly to close down the property.
He said: “This action is the consequence of persistent offending and anti-social behaviour which has had a big impact on the local community.
“I hope this action reassures residents that we will listen to their concerns and take appropriate and proportionate action to deal with individuals who cause harm in the area.
“I would like to thank Sgt Griffin and his team for their tenacity in dealing with the issue which has culminated in the address being closed.”