The flag on the council house will be lowered to half-mast.
The leader of Nottingham City Council, Cllr David Mellen said:
‘Nottingham has come through a year of Covid-19 and has sadly lost over 600 of its citizens.
‘Today, a year on from the start of the first national lockdown, Nottingham will pause to reflect on the last year and remember those who have sadly been lost.
‘There will be a minute’s silence at 12 noon today, the flag on the Council House will be lowered to half-mast and at 12.01pm the bells of the Council House will ring out.
‘This evening the Council House and Wollaton Hall will be lit up in rainbow colours and I along with many local people will mark the day at home by lighting a candle in my window as it gets dark.
‘In the following video I say thank you to everyone in Nottingham who has kept each other safe, looked after each other and kept Nottingham going through this pandemic and I remember all those we have lost.’