Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Wednesday 4 September.
Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Friday 6 September
- Temperature: The temperature increases steadily from 20°C at 10:00 AM, reaching a peak of 25°C between 14:00 and 16:00. It then gradually decreases to 18°C by 11:00 PM. The “feels like” temperature closely follows this trend, with only a slight difference of 1-2°C below the actual temperature.
- Wind: Wind direction remains consistently from the northeast (NE), with wind speeds fluctuating between 8 to 14 mph. Gusts reach as high as 31 mph around 15:00 and steadily decrease later in the day.
- Humidity: Humidity decreases from 79% in the morning to a low of 58% in the afternoon, before rising again in the evening to 87%.
- UV Index: The UV index peaks at 5 around 14:00 to 16:00, indicating a moderate level of UV exposure. It starts the day at 3 and ends at 1 by the evening.