4.3 C
West Bridgford
Monday, February 17, 2025

Nottinghamshire weather for Monday 9 September

Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Monday 9 September 2024.

Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Monday 9 September


  • Temperature: Starting at 14°C in the morning and gradually increasing to 17°C by 16:00, then cooling down to 11°C by 23:00.
  • Chance of Precipitation: Decreasing throughout the day, starting at 40% in the morning and reducing to less than 5% by midday and onward.
  • Wind Speed and Direction: Mostly from the northwest (NW), with wind speeds ranging from 9 mph to 13 mph throughout the day. Wind gusts reach up to 29 mph around 16:00-18:00.
  • Humidity: Starts at 86% in the morning and drops to a low of 49% by 17:00, before rising again later in the evening.
  • UV Index: Moderate levels around noon (3 to 4) and lower early morning and late evening (1).
  • Visibility: Generally very good throughout the day.

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Rather cloudy and dull morning with outbreaks of rain and drizzle slow to ease away. Some brighter intervals developing during the afternoon, with some late sunny spells likely. Temperatures near normal for early September, but rather breezy. Maximum temperature 17 °C.


Cloud thickening from the north and west, with rain becoming persistent and heavy at times across the Derbyshire hills. Otherwise mainly dry, but some brief rain possible. Turning rather breezy. Minimum temperature 11 °C.

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Rather cloudy and breezy start, before a band of rain spreads south late morning before weakening. Sunny spells following into northern parts, but cloudier skies likely persisting further south. Maximum temperature 16 °C.

Outlook for Wednesday to Friday:

Cool, breezy Wednesday and Thursday with sunny spells. Showers possible, mainly Wednesday. Cold overnight with temperatures falling to low single figures of Celsius. Cloud thickening Friday with rain likely later.

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