Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Saturday 19 October
- Morning (08:00 – 12:00):
- Expect rain in the early hours with a very high chance of precipitation: 95% at 08:00, decreasing to 70% by 10:00.
- Temperatures stay steady at 12°C throughout the morning, with a “feels like” temperature dropping to 11°C at times.
- Winds come from the west at speeds of 5-7 mph, with gusts between 16 and 17 mph.
- Humidity remains high, around 93-94%.
- Visibility is moderate (M), and the UV index is low at 1.
- Afternoon (13:00 – 17:00):
- Cloudy skies with some sunshine, low chances of precipitation (10% or less).
- Temperatures rise to 15°C, with “feels like” temperatures around 13-14°C.
- Winds continue from the west at 7-8 mph, with gusts between 19 and 21 mph.
- Humidity drops to 66% by 16:00.
- Visibility improves to “Very Good” (VG), and the UV index rises to 2.
- Evening (18:00 – 23:00):
- Clear skies with less than a 5% chance of rain.
- Temperatures gradually fall from 13°C at 18:00 to 10°C by 23:00.
- Winds shift to the southwest and south at 3-4 mph, with lower gusts between 9-12 mph.
- Humidity rises slightly again in the evening, reaching 86% by 23:00.
- Visibility remains good to very good, and the UV index drops back to 1 and below.
Outbreaks of rain, sometimes heavy, and strong winds will spread east, bringing a risk of gales to the Peak District and the coast. Drier and eventually brighter conditions will follow. Maximum temperature: 15 °C.
Outlook for Monday to Wednesday:
Monday: Chance of rain across the far south through the morning; otherwise, bright with isolated showers.
Tuesday: Sunshine and scattered, sometimes heavy, showers.
Wednesday: Largely dry with bright spells.