4.8 C
West Bridgford
Saturday, February 8, 2025

Nottinghamshire weather for Saturday 21 September

Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Saturday 21 September.

  • The morning starts with partly cloudy conditions, followed by increased cloud cover in the evening. The sky becomes mostly cloudy after 19:00.
  • Chance of Precipitation: The chance of rain increases slightly in the afternoon, reaching 30% around 14:00-18:00. By the evening, the probability decreases to less than 10%.
  • Temperature: The temperature gradually rises throughout the day, peaking at 22°C between 14:00 and 16:00. After 18:00, the temperature starts to drop, reaching 16°C by 23:00.
  • Feels Like Temperature: The “feels like” temperature follows a similar pattern to the actual temperature, peaking at 20°C in the afternoon and decreasing to 15°C by the late evening.
  • Wind Direction and Speed: The wind is mostly from the northeast (NE) and east-northeast (ENE), with speeds ranging from 8 mph to 12 mph. Wind gusts are strongest in the morning at 26 mph but gradually decrease throughout the day.
  • Visibility: Visibility is generally good to very good (VG) for most of the day, except for a period in the morning when it is moderate (M).
  • Humidity: Humidity decreases as the day progresses, starting at 81% in the morning and dropping to around 56% in the afternoon. However, it rises again in the evening to 89%.
  • UV Index: The UV index is highest at 4 between 13:00 and 15:00, indicating moderate exposure. It drops to 1 by the evening.

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Cloud will break to allow sunny spells to develop, followed by a risk of showers spreading north, which could be thundery, with localised downpours and a chance of hail and frequent lightning. Later southern areas are likely to become dry. Maximum temperature 24 °C.


Low cloud will quick feed across northern areas, while residual showers or thunderstorms gradually fade away. Later further thunderstorms, or areas of thundery rain, will spread northwards, bringing local downpours. Minimum temperature 13 °C.


Showers or spells of rain all day, these often heavy and perhaps thundery. Through the afternoon some bright or sunny spells may develop, especially across southern areas. Maximum temperature 21 °C.

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Outlook for Monday to Wednesday:

Monday heavy and persistent rain may cover much of the region. Tuesday brighter with isolated showers. Wednesday bright spells and showers then rain probably arriving. Temperatures generally near average.

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