Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Saturday 28 September.
Weather Conditions:
The weather symbols indicate mostly sunny or partly cloudy conditions throughout the day, with clouds becoming more dominant in the evening.
Precipitation: There is a minimal chance of precipitation, staying below 5% for most of the day and peaking at 10% around 4:00 PM.
Morning: The temperature starts at 8°C at 10:00 AM and steadily increases throughout the day, reaching a high of 14°C at 3:00 PM and 4:00 PM.
Evening: After 4:00 PM, the temperature gradually decreases to 10°C by 11:00 PM.
Feels Like Temperature: The “feels like” temperature follows a similar pattern, starting at 7°C in the morning and reaching 12°C in the afternoon, before cooling down to 10°C by night.
Wind and Gusts
Wind Speed and Direction: Winds are coming from the west (W) for most of the day, shifting to the west-southwest (WSW) and southwest (SW) in the evening. Wind speeds range from 4 to 8 mph during the day, with the highest speeds around 4:00 PM.
Wind Gusts: Wind gusts range from 14 mph in the morning to a maximum of 19 mph in the early afternoon, then decrease gradually toward the evening.
Visibility, Humidity, and UV Index
Visibility: Visibility is listed as “VG” (Very Good) for the entire day, except for the evening when it shifts to “G” (Good) after 9:00 PM.
Humidity: Humidity starts at 75% in the morning, decreases to 60% around 4:00 PM, and then gradually rises to 85% by the end of the day.
UV Index: The UV index reaches a peak of 3 from noon to 3:00 PM, then drops to 2 and 1 in the evening.
Chilly and sunny start, with light winds. Some patchy cloud builds through the day, with the odd shower possible across the Peak District, but most places dry with sunny spells. Feeling rather cold with temperatures a little below average. Maximum temperature 14 °C.
Temperatures will quickly fall as cloud largely melts away, leaving clear periods with perhaps a few fog patches forming. Becoming chilly overnight, especially in rural locations. Minimum temperature 5 °C.
Dry with increasing amounts of cloud, but some bright or sunny spells, until outbreaks of rain arrive across southern areas later in the afternoon. Becoming wet and breezy everywhere overnight. Maximum temperature 14 °C.
Outlook for Monday to Wednesday:
Spells of heavy rain Monday, potentially becoming very wet. Tuesday breezy and cloudy with outbreaks of mainly light rain. Wednesday largely cloudy with isolated showers. Average or rather cold temperatures.