Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Saturday 5 October
- From 9:00 to 16:00, partly cloudy skies are expected.
- After 16:00, the sky clears up, and conditions remain mostly clear into the night.
- The chance of precipitation remains below 5% throughout the day, indicating minimal likelihood of rain.
Temperature (°C):
- The day begins at 9°C at 09:00 and steadily increases, peaking at 16°C by 15:00 and 16:00.
- Temperatures gradually drop from 17:00 onward, reaching 11°C by 22:00 and remaining steady through 23:00.
Feels Like Temperature (°C):
- The temperature feels slightly cooler than the actual temperature during the morning hours, starting at 7°C at 09:00.
- It feels warmest at 13°C in the afternoon but cools again to 9°C by 23:00.
Wind Direction and Speed:
- Winds predominantly blow from the south-southeast (SSE) in the morning, shifting to southerly (S) during midday, and southeast (SE) later in the evening.
- The wind speed increases from 5 mph at 09:00 to a maximum of 12 mph during the afternoon, before decreasing to 7 mph at 23:00.
Wind Gusts:
- Wind gusts range from 17 mph in the morning, reaching a peak of 28 mph around 13:00–16:00, then reducing gradually to 21 mph by 23:00.
- Visibility is generally good (G) throughout the day, though very good (VG) conditions are reported from 13:00 to 21:00.
- Humidity starts high at 85% in the morning, decreases steadily during the day to 56% by 18:00, and rises again to 78% by 23:00.
UV Index:
- The UV index starts low (1) in the morning, increases to moderate (3) around midday (12:00–16:00), and then drops back to low in the evening.
Cloudy with outbreaks of mainly light rain until a band of heavy rain moves east late afternoon and through the evening. Breezy inland, windy along the coast and over hills. Maximum temperature 15 °C.
Outlook for Monday to Wednesday:
Sunny spells and scattered showers each day, with the showers heavy at times and perhaps thundery, especially Monday and Tuesday. Generally light winds and temperatures near average.