Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Saturday 7 September.
Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Saturday 7 September
Chance of Rain:
- The chance of precipitation is mostly low (20%-50%) throughout the day, with the highest chance (50%) around 13:00, decreasing slightly as the day progresses.
Temperature (°C):
- The temperature ranges from 16°C to 19°C during the day. The highest temperature of 19°C is recorded from 14:00 to 17:00, then gradually dropping to 16°C by 23:00.
Feels Like Temperature (°C):
- The “feels like” temperature aligns with the actual temperature, meaning the real and perceived temperatures are quite close, ranging from 16°C to 19°C.
Wind Direction and Speed (mph):
- Wind direction changes throughout the day, starting from a southern direction (S, SSE, SSW) in the morning and shifting to westerly directions (W, WNW, NW) later in the evening. Wind speeds remain relatively constant, ranging from 4 mph to 6 mph.
Wind Gusts (mph):
- Wind gusts stay mild, ranging from 10 mph to 15 mph during the day, decreasing slightly in the evening.
- Visibility remains very good (VG) throughout most of the day, with a slight drop to “good” (G) later in the evening from 21:00 onward.
Humidity (%):
- Humidity starts high at 89% in the morning, gradually drops throughout the day to a low of 71% at 17:00, and then increases again in the evening, reaching 89% by 23:00.
UV Index:
- The UV index is low, with values ranging from 2 to 4 during midday hours (12:00-17:00) and dropping to 1 in the evening.
A cloudy start with low cloud and hill fog. Early spells of heavy perhaps thundery rain clearing through the morning to give sunny intervals and isolated slow-moving heavy showers into the afternoon. Rain may return over the Peak District later. Maximum temperature 23 °C.
A dry start to the evening for most, but further cloud and rain lingering over the Peak District, this gradually moving eastwards across the region overnight. Minimum temperature 12 °C.
A cloudy day for most, with outbreaks of light rain over the Peak District. Cloud and showers clearing east later, with some bright and sunny spells. Winds easing. Maximum temperature 18 °C.
Outlook for Tuesday to Thursday:
Cloudy and windy to start Tuesday, with rain followed by a brighter afternoon. Sunny intervals and showers Wednesday. Sunny spells then showers later Thursday. Noticeably cooler than recently throughout.