Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Thursday 12 September.
Nottinghamshire weather on Thursday 12 September
- Chance of precipitation starts at less than 5% in the morning but increases to 20% by 12:00 and peaks at 70% around 15:00.
- The rain chances gradually decrease into the evening, with only a 10% chance by 21:00.
- The temperature rises steadily from 7°C at 08:00 to a maximum of 13°C in the afternoon (14:00-17:00).
- The temperature starts to drop after 17:00, reaching 9°C by 23:00.
- The “feels like” temperature is generally 1°C cooler than the actual temperature throughout the day, indicating a slight chill due to wind.
Wind Conditions
- The wind direction changes throughout the day, primarily coming from the northwest (WNW, NW, NNW).
- Wind speeds vary between 5-8 mph, with gusts reaching a maximum of 25 mph in the afternoon (16:00-17:00).
- The wind begins to calm down after 18:00, with gusts decreasing to 10 mph by 23:00.
A bright day with a good deal of sunshine, scattered showers likely into the afternoon but lighter and less frequent than Wednesday. Winds easing a touch but staying breezy and feeling cool. Maximum temperature 15 °C.
Any showers fading through the evening to give a dry and largely clear night with temperatures falling to give some rural frost. Minimum temperature 4 °C.
A cold start Friday with some early mist patches clearing to give a fine bright day with lighter winds and plenty of sunshine. Maximum temperature 15 °C.
Outlook for Saturday to Monday:
Turning increasingly cloudy and breezy into the weekend with outbreaks of rain into Sunday but temperatures warming. Remaining unsettled into Monday with more persistent rain possible.