Today’s Nottinghamshire weather includes hourly temperatures, wind speed, UV and risk of rain.
Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Thursday 25 July
Largely cloudy for much of Thursday, but brightening up through the morning. A few showers are expected in the afternoon, perhaps continuing into the evening. Maximum temperature 22 °C.
Chance of some evening sunny spells. Lengthening clear spells developing towards dawn with any showers easing. Plenty of sunshine to start on Friday morning. Minimum temperature 12 °C.
Fair weather cloud developing through the morning to give sunny spells. The chance of isolated, light daytime showers. Maximum temperature 23 °C.
Outlook for Saturday to Monday:
Sunny spells and daytime showers expected on Saturday, perhaps heavy at times. Dry Sunday with plenty of sunshine, feeling warmer. Cloudier Monday with bright or sunny spells. Light winds throughout.