Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Tuesday 24 September.
Temperature: The temperature steadily increases from 12°C at 08:00 to a peak of 15°C between 12:00 and 16:00. After 17:00, it gradually decreases, reaching 11°C by 23:00.
Precipitation: The chance of precipitation is low in the morning (<10%), but it increases during the afternoon, peaking at 50% by 17:00, and decreases to under 5% by the end of the day.
Wind: Wind speed varies, with the highest speeds between 12:00 and 16:00, reaching up to 11 mph, while wind gusts can go up to 25 mph. The wind direction is predominantly from the west and west-northwest (WNW).
Visibility: Visibility is generally good (G) or very good (VG) for most of the day.
Humidity: Humidity decreases steadily from 86% in the morning to 67% by 16:00, then it begins to rise again, reaching 84% by 23:00.
UV index: The UV index peaks at 3 between 12:00 and 15:00, indicating moderate exposure, and then drops back to 1 for the rest of the day.
A cloudy start though any cloud generally clearing through the morning, leaving a much drier and brighter day with a risk of occasional showers. Feeling cooler than of late. Maximum temperature 16 °C.
Still a chance of the odd shower this evening but largely dry overnight with a mix of cloud and clear spells. Feeling chilly under clear skies. Minimum temperature 8 °C.
A most dry start, though some showers possible during the morning, then becoming increasingly unsettled from the west through the afternoon with outbreaks of rain, this turning heavy at times. Maximum temperature 15 °C.
Outlook for Thursday to Saturday:
Often wet and breezy on Thursday, then brighter, but colder with blustery showers on Friday. Still feeling cold on Saturday but likely a drier day.