Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Wednesday 11 September.
Nottinghamshire weather on Wednesday 11 September
- Rain: High chances of precipitation (90%) are observed from 08:00 until 12:00, after which it gradually decreases, reaching less than 5% by 21:00.
- Temperature: The temperature ranges from 9°C to 11°C during the day, starting at 9°C in the morning, peaking at 11°C around 13:00, and then dropping to 8°C by 23:00. The “feels like” temperature remains slightly lower, with a maximum of 8°C during the day.
- Wind: Wind speed increases from 10 mph in the early morning to 14 mph in the afternoon, and then gradually decreases to 7 mph by the evening. Wind gusts are notably higher, reaching up to 39 mph around 16:00.
- Humidity: Humidity starts high at 84% and decreases throughout the day, reaching a low of 67% by 16:00, and rising again toward the evening.
- Visibility: Mostly “Very Good” (VG) throughout the day, with some periods of “Excellent” (E).
- UV Index: Ranges from 1 (low) in the early morning and evening to 4 (moderate) around midday, indicating the peak hours for UV exposure.
A cool and bright start in the east with showers in the west of the region from the get-go. Through the morning frequent blustery showers develop across the region, perhaps heavy at times with a risk of thunder. Maximum temperature 14 °C.
Any showers gradually fizzling out during the evening to leave a dry night with clear spells. Remaining breezy. Isolated rural frost possible towards dawn. Minimum temperature 4 °C.
Another similar day to Wednesday with a good deal of sunshine to start the day, isolated showers perhaps lighter and less frequent. Winds eased a touch but still feeling cool. Maximum temperature 15 °C.
Outlook for Friday to Sunday:
A cold start Friday with isolated frost possible leading to a fine and sunny day with light winds. Staying dry Saturday with hazy sunshine, turning cloudy Sunday with patchy rain.