Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Wednesday 2 October
The forecast indicates mostly cloudy weather throughout the day, with some sunshine expected in the late afternoon (from 15:00 to 18:00).
Chance of precipitation: The highest chance of precipitation occurs between 09:00 and 11:00, with values of 70% and 90%, respectively. The likelihood of rain decreases significantly after noon, remaining below 20% for the rest of the day.
Temperature: The temperature ranges from 12°C in the morning and evening to a peak of 14°C between 13:00 and 18:00.
Feels like temperature: The perceived temperature is lower than the actual temperature, fluctuating between 9°C and 12°C.
Wind: The wind blows predominantly from the north-northeast (NNE) and northeast (NE), with speeds around 13-14 mph in the morning, decreasing gradually to 7 mph by 23:00. Wind gusts are stronger, reaching up to 30 mph early in the day.
Visibility: Visibility is good or very good (G or VG) throughout the day.
Humidity: Humidity levels start at 92% in the morning, gradually decreasing to 64% by 17:00, then rising again to 80% by late evening.
UV levels: The UV index remains low, peaking at 3 around midday and dropping to 1 or less later in the evening.
Early showers and mist or fog clearing to leave a dry day with plenty of sunshine and light winds. Maximum temperature 16 °C.
Outlook for Friday to Sunday:
Fine Friday with light winds and some sunshine after early patchy mist and fog. Starting fine this weekend then becoming wet and windy. Temperatures above normal, perhaps locally rather warm.