3.6 C
West Bridgford
Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Nottinghamshire weather for Wednesday 25 September

Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Wednesday 25 September.

Rain Probability: The chance of precipitation starts at 20% at 08:00, gradually increases throughout the day, reaching 95% or more by 19:00, indicating that rain is highly likely later in the day.

Temperature: The temperature remains steady, rising from 9°C at 08:00 to 12°C between 13:00 and 17:00, then gradually decreases back to 9°C by night.

Wind: Winds are predominantly from the southeast in the morning, shifting to the east and northeast by the evening. Wind speeds increase from 2 mph in the morning to 9 mph in the evening, with gusts reaching up to 20 mph.

Humidity: Humidity decreases from 87% in the morning to 76% by 14:00, then rises again, reaching up to 96% by evening, indicating increasing moisture as rain becomes more likely.

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Visibility and UV Index: Visibility is “good” (G) throughout the morning and afternoon but drops to “moderate” (M) by the evening as rain sets in. UV index values are low throughout the day, ranging from 1 to 3.

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Cloudy throughout the day but initially largely dry. Outbreaks of light rain then developing from mid-morning, becoming persistent and at times heavy through the afternoon. Winds mostly light but becoming breezy at times towards the coast through the afternoon. Maximum temperature 14 °C.


Unsettled, cloudy and wet overnight, with rain being persistent and occasionally heavy. Winds will start off light but soon strengthening, especially near the coast. Minimum temperature 11 °C.


Thursday will be wet, windy, and unsettled for most of the day. Cooler, showery conditions are expected to develop later and persist overnight, although timings of this change is uncertain. Maximum temperature 14 °C.

Outlook for Friday to Sunday:

Friday sees a brisk northerly wind, along with sunny spells and isolated showers. Drier over the weekend with lighter winds, but the odd shower is still possible at times.

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