Today’s Nottinghamshire weather includes hourly temperatures, wind speed, UV and risk of rain.
Nottinghamshire weather forecast for Wednesday 31 July
A dry day, feeling warm, perhaps fresher towards the coast with a see breeze developing. Sunny spells continuing, although sunshine perhaps rather hazy at times. Maximum temperature 28 °C.
A dry start with hazy evening sunshine across the region. By the second half of the night, elevated heavy showers move northeast with a risk of thunder. Minimum temperature 15 °C.
A cloudy start with outbreaks of showery rain and a risk of thunder, this gradually clearing east. Followed by sunny spells, further heavy showers and thunder potential. Maximum temperature 27 °C.
Outlook for Friday to Sunday:
A fine start Friday before cloud and wind increases with a risk of showers. Rain clears east overnight leaving sunny spells and isolated showers Saturday. Turning cloudier and windy Sunday.