The weather forecast for Friday 24 January in Nottinghamshire.
Early Morning (00:00 – 06:00)
The early hours of the morning will remain dry but breezy. Temperatures will hover around 3-4°C, but “feels-like” values will drop to -1°C due to strong southwesterly winds at 12-15 mph. Visibility will be excellent, and humidity will range between 62%-74%. A clear start is expected, with no chance of rain (<5%).
Midday (06:00 – 12:00)
Rain will move in briefly during the early morning, with a 95% chance of precipitation at 06:00. However, it will clear quickly, and skies will brighten with sunny spells by 08:00. Temperatures will rise from 6°C to 9°C, with strong winds from the south-southwest at 21-23 mph, gusting up to 51 mph during the rainiest period. Humidity will drop steadily, moving from 91% to 76% by midday. Visibility will be good to excellent, and conditions will improve as the rain clears.
Afternoon (12:00 – 18:00)
The afternoon will be bright and sunny, with consistent clear skies. Temperatures will remain at a mild 8°C but feel colder due to strong southwesterly winds at 18-21 mph. Humidity will continue to decrease, reaching 57% by late afternoon, making for a crisp and fresh atmosphere. Visibility will be excellent, offering perfect conditions for outdoor activities.
Evening (18:00 – 23:00)
The evening will stay dry and clear as temperatures begin to drop from 6°C to 3°C, with “feels-like” values close to 0°C. Winds will ease slightly, remaining southwesterly at 10-15 mph. Humidity will rise to 79% by late evening, but visibility will remain excellent. It will be a calm and cool end to the day.