The weather forecast for Saturday 18 January in Nottinghamshire.
Early Morning (00:00 – 06:00)
The early hours will be overcast, with temperatures starting at 2°C and dropping to 0°C by dawn. The feels-like temperature will hover around 0°C due to a light south-southeasterly breeze at 4 mph. Humidity will be high at 85-90%, contributing to a damp and cold start. No rain is expected, but the skies will remain grey.
Midday (07:00 – 12:00)
The overcast conditions persist through the morning, with temperatures rising slightly to 3°C by noon. Winds will continue from the south-southwest at around 6 mph, with gusts reaching up to 17 mph, making it feel chillier than the actual temperature. Humidity will range from 85% to 84%, maintaining the damp but dry conditions. The chance of rain remains negligible at less than 5%.

Afternoon (13:00 – 16:00)
The afternoon sees no significant change in conditions, with temperatures peaking at 4°C and a feels-like temperature of around 2°C. Winds will start to shift slightly, coming from the south at around 5 mph. Humidity will hold steady at 83%, and the skies will remain overcast. There is no expectation of rain during the afternoon hours.

Evening (17:00 – 23:00)
As the day transitions into evening, temperatures will begin to drop again, starting at 3°C and reaching 0°C by midnight. Winds will come from the south-southeast at a gentle 4 mph, with no significant gusts. Humidity will rise slightly to 87-90%, and the overcast skies will persist. Despite the cold, the chance of rain remains under 5%.