Today’s Nottinghamshire weather includes hourly temperatures, wind speed, UV, pollen count and risk of rain.
Nottinghamshire weather on Friday 17 May
Often murky early but some warm sunny spells later.
A rather cloudy start with extensive low cloud, fog locally, slowly burning back to the coast to reveal warm sunny spells. Staying dry for many but with the odd shower for some, perhaps heavy and thundery in Derbyshire. Maximum temperature 22 °C.
Showers dying out in the evening and low cloud moving back inland, extensive with poor visibility along coasts but a risk of fog in any clear spells in the west. Minimum temperature 10 °C.
A similar start on Saturday, with low cloud burning back to the coast. Some warm sunny spells and a few showers, perhaps heavy, in the afternoon. Markedly cooler on coasts. Maximum temperature 22 °C.
Outlook for Sunday to Tuesday:
Dry, settled at first, with warm sunny spells by day but variable cloud at night. Cooler along coasts. Sunny spells and scattered showers on Tuesday, perhaps heavy in places.