Today’s Nottinghamshire weather includes hourly temperatures, wind speed, UV and risk of rain.
Nottinghamshire weather forecast on Monday 24 June
Dry and very warm but occasionally cloudy today. Some cloud breaks are likely to occur, allowing brighter or sunny spells. Light sea breezes will bring a somewhat cooler feel to the coast. Maximum temperature 26 °C.
Dry and very mild overnight. A cloudy start to the night, but clear spells developing later, especially in the south. Perhaps some mist developing later where clear spells occur. Minimum temperature 15 °C.
Dry and very warm or hot. Variable amounts of cloud, but with plenty of sunny spells likely. Potentially low cloud and fog forming along Lincolnshire coasts later in the day. Maximum temperature 28 °C.
Outlook for Wednesday to Friday:
Overnight low cloud clearing Wednesday, then very warm or hot into Thursday with some sunny spells. A weakening band of light rain later Thursday will introduce cooler air for Friday.