Today’s Nottinghamshire weather includes hourly temperatures, wind speed, UV and risk of rain.
Nottinghamshire weather forecast on Thursday 11 July
Cloudy and feeling cool, with light rain and drizzle for much of the day. Rain beginning to ease and perhaps becoming showery later in the afternoon. Winds light. Maximum temperature 16 °C.
Becoming dry into the evening, although a few light showers may persist towards the Lincolnshire coast. Variable cloud with a few clear spells developing through the small hours. Winds light. Minimum temperature 11 °C.
Patchy clouds, sunny spells and light winds for most, the odd isolated shower is possible but most areas likely to remain dry. Cloud perhaps thickening later with outbreaks of rain overnight. Maximum temperature 17 °C.
Outlook for Saturday to Monday:
Cloudy with scattered showers on Saturday. Sunny spells expected Sunday and Monday, but slow-moving and at times heavy showers developing during daylight hours, before dissipating overnight. Winds largely light.