Today’s Nottinghamshire weather includes hourly temperatures, wind speed, UV and risk of rain.
Nottinghamshire weather on Tuesday 4 June
A cloudy start with rain arriving from the northwest during the morning. Windy and wet for most in the afternoon, some heavy bursts locally. Becoming dry in the evening. Maximum temperature 19 °C.
Becoming mostly clear with the chance of isolated showers over the Derbyshire hills towards dawn. Winds easing to become gentle and feeling much cooler than last night. Minimum temperature 4 °C.
Sunny spells but the chance isolated showers which may be heavy at times. Winds freshening through the day particularly in and around showers. Maximum temperature 16 °C.
Outlook for Thursday to Saturday:
Largely dry with sunny spells but the chance of a shower on most days, particularly in Derbyshire. Some rather cool temperatures, especially at night. Windy by day.