Nottingham High School is celebrating an outstanding set of A Level Results today with over 45% of all passes at the top A* grade and 78% of all passes at A* and A grades.
A quite remarkable 72 students have gained 3 A grades or better. 31 students gained at least 3 A* grades and16 gained at least four A* grades.
Kevin Fear, Headmaster of Nottingham High School said: “I am absolutely thrilled that despite all the challenges this remarkable cohort of students had to face that they have secured such stunning results.
“They have shown great maturity and incredible resilience over the last few months. These results were calculated on the basis of a series of rigorous assessments the students undertook during the summer term and show just how hard our students and staff worked throughout the long months of online learning.”
Kevin Fear concluded: “This year group has worked incredibly hard to achieve these impressive results but they have also contributed so much more outside of the classroom and so they leave us with brilliant qualifications but also they have become really impressive, resilient and quietly confident young people ready to move on to their further education.
“We are so proud of them.
“I also want to pay tribute to all of our staff – the pressures on them throughout the year have been high and they have worked so hard to adapt, to teach in different ways, in different locations and using different tools – throughout there has been a ‘can-do’ attitude and these results reflect that strongly.”