Plans for a Starbucks drive-thru in Edwalton have been refused on various grounds.
The proposals are for a drive-thru coffee shop between Aldi and the new Porsche showroom in Edwalton on Landmere Lane.
The plans read:
Hybrid planning application comprising FUL planning application for erection of drive-thru coffee shop with associated access, parking (including 10 electric vehicle charging points), landscaping and associated infrastructure works and outline planning permission (all matters except access reserved) to construct office building including associated parking, infrastructure and landscaping works at Landmere Lane Edwalton Nottinghamshire NG12 4DG
A decision document on the council’s planning portal reads:
Refused Permission for the reasons set out below:
No provision is proposed for vehicles to turn right into the site without obstructing the flow of traffic and the supporting Transport Statement is considered out-of-date. It has therefore not been adequately demonstrated that the application would not result in a severe impact on the highway network.
The proposal would be contrary to Policy 1 (Development Requirements) of the Local Plan Part 2: Land and Planning Policies, which states that permission for new development, changes of use, conversion or extensions would normally be granted provided that, inter alia;
• a suitable means of access can be provided to the development without detriment to the amenity of adjacent properties or highway safety and the provision of parking is in accordance with advice provided by the Highways Authority.
The proposed drive thru by virtue of its built form and facing materials would not represent good design when considered in the context of its prominent ‘gateway’ location. The proposal would not constitute good design when considered against the criteria listed under paragraph 130 of the NPFF.
A decision to refuse planning permission would accord with paragraph 134 of the NPPF which states:
“Development that is not well designed should be refused, especially where it fails to reflect local design policies and government guidance on design, taking into account any local design guidance and supplementary planning documents such as design guides and codes.