Plans have been submitted to Nottingham City Council for a new mural on the southern approach to Nottingham city centre.
Cubed Cuts and Coffee at 6 Weekday Cross has applied for permission to have the artwork installed on the white rendered side of the building.
Cubed is a popular barbers and coffee shop in the city which opened in March 2021.
The plans state: For painting an artistic mural on the side of the building.

Many other buildings in the city have recently undergone artistic transformations, particularly many buildings in Bridlesmith Gate where work was described as ‘Copenhagen style‘ when several art installations were commissioned in September 2022.
Another well known piece is the side wall of Brass Monkey bar just up the road on High Pavement.
In its Design and Access Statement the applicant states:
‘Our mural has been designed by a local artist on the theme of Robin Hood which makes it very suitable for this site and for the city of Nottingham. It has had all necessary permissions from the owners and businesses within the building, they are all very positive about the design.’